Can you provide cookbook instructions for those of us running OSM tile servers based on the instructions? Specifically, what does one do to "forced them back to process everything from '037+ again"?

Lynn (D)

On 4/18/2014 12:50 PM, Jon Burgess wrote:
The minutely replication stream was blocked for 12 hours due to a server
problem. The broken sequence number was 834038, with 038.state.txt and
038.osc.gz being zero length files. When the replication was restarted
these files were replaced with real data.

Unfortunately this has caused a problem for using osmosis to fetch these
changes automatically. Once the replication resumed it appears that
osmosis skipped the changes in the new '038 files and downloaded '039

This affected the OSM rendering servers (Yevaud & Orm) and I have forced
them back to process everything from '037+ again to ensure the changes
in the 038 file are rendered. Anyone else running services using the
minutely diffs might need to do the same.


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