
answering myself in case others run into the same problem and find it in the archive.

On 06.07.2014 23:15, Stephan Knauss wrote:
I see some strange errors in the log file which I don't understand. Any
help would be appreciated.

22:03:21.814464 [tile:info] Requesting style(osm) z(14) x(12612) y(7238)
from renderer with priority 7
22:03:21.815113 [tile:warn] request_tile: Failed to read response from
rendering socket No such file or directory

Issue was caused by mod_tile sending the unknown command id 7 (cmdRenderLow) to tirex.

This was added by Kai in August 2013
"Add another priority level (RenderLow) to accommodate rerenders after style changes

In addition to Render and RenderPrio, add another priority level of RenderLow."

As this command was unknown to tirex it failed to create a job and returned an error.

My perl is quite limited. I have no idea why I did not see any message of this line: Carp::croak("need prio for new job") unless (defined $self->{'prio'});

Still issue was clearly the missing priority due to the command being out of bounds.

This command is now given a priority (25) below bulk as a completely expired planet is one of the worst things that can happen from a renderer perspective. Default tirex puts these in the background queue.

Fix tested and submitted.


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