On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 05:00:48PM +0000, Harry Wood wrote:
> I had a bit of code which was using the boundingbox field of the nominatim 
> response
> I'd swear something seemed to change a couple of weeks ago. It now returns a 
> zero sized boundingbox, where previously it returned something more useful. 
> e.g. for any "suburb" match:
> http://open.mapquestapi.com/nominatim/v1/search.php?format=json&q=Herne+Hill,+London
> My code's pointed at mapquest, but I see the same problem on osm's instance.
> http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search?format=json&q=Herne+Hill,+London
> Still getting a sensible bounding box for cities and for ways and various 
> other things, but these suburbs used to be working. Anyone else noticed this 
> change? I guess I'll work around it ...unless it's an easy one for nominatim 
> folks to fix somehow.

I've simplified the bbox computation a few weeks ago which uncovered
a three year old bug with the bbox output code. I've pushed a fix now which
should go live on osm.org in a day or two.



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