
we are happy to announce a new stable release 2.5.0 of the
Nominatim search engine.

This release brings a major overhaul of the built-in web interface.
There is now a web view for reverse geocoding and the details page
has been made more readable. All is now ready for mobile use. 

The second major change is the addition of a number of new functions
for the API:

 - reverse lookup now can use Tiger house number data in the US
 - new feature to return simplified polygons
 - new lookup endpoint that allows to look up address information
   for OSM objects by id
 - new namedetails and extratags parameters to get a full list of
   names or additional tags for each object (requires postgresql >= 9.3)

Other changes include updates for the Tiger data import script, new
configure options for use behind HTTP proxies and vagrant
scripts for running Nominatim in a Ubuntu or CentOS virtual box.

The release is already live on http://nominatim.osm.org.
For more information, including update instructions, see the release
notes at https://github.com/twain47/Nominatim/releases/tag/v.2.5.0


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