On 22/03/2016 13:22, Daniel Koć wrote:

I would use Docker images when possible - they help to avoid system clutter. Think of them as of "meta-packages" with default configuration for a given task (but without messing with system-wide settings) and are kind of virtualization (but without sacrificing the speed).

I would start with those (be aware that I haven't actually use it, I just _would_ start if I try to render tiles myself):


I think that makes a _lot_ of sense, but I suspect that people who haven't used Docker before (like me) would need a bit more info than is currently in https://github.com/geo-data/openstreetmap-tiles-docker/blob/master/help.txt .

It looks like this is something that "can be made to work" rather than "actually does work now" (specifically, see https://github.com/geo-data/openstreetmap-tiles-docker/issues/18#issuecomment-168658927 and https://github.com/geo-data/openstreetmap-tiles-docker/pull/19 , which is still open).

It's also unclear after an initial scan of the text there what OSM data will be loaded, what OSM style will be used and whether I need Apache externally, among other things. That doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with it - it just might need (depending on the audience) a bit more wrapped around it.



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