On 15/04/2016 08:24, Oleksiy Muzalyev wrote:

Google search of "radio mast", "radio tower", "television mast", "television tower", etc. gives each millions of results with similar images. It seems that the words "mast" and "tower" are interchangeable. The article in English Wikipedia is called: "Radio masts and towers": https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_masts_and_towers

At the risk of stating the bleeding obvious, the English* word "mast" (as in "radio mast") is an adaptation of "mast" as in "the big pointy thing on ships that you hang the sails off". It's recent - there have only been radio masts for 100 years or so.

There is a sense (noted from an engineering point of view in your https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radio_masts_and_towers) that a "mast" is not self-supporting but that a "tower" is, but there's certainly popular crossover usage of the two terms - see for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emley_Moor_transmitting_station. I drive past that every week, and if asked what it was called would probably say "Emley Moor mast" but if asked whether it was a mast or a tower would probably say "tower". Also a ship's mast is usually self-supporting.

Also, please don't say things like "... and it is not rendered on the OSM map at all". What you mean is "not rendered on one of the layers on the osm.org site, which is widely used by OSM mappers but hardly at all by anyone else". Most people see OSM data either in an app on their phone, on a third-party website for e.g. a pizza company, or on a board outside the supermarket saying where other local facilities are. None of these show what you call "the OSM map".

It'd be nice if OSM could decide what the difference between a mast, a tower and a communications tower was and start mapping accordingly. The nearest thing to a sane discussion on this was on the OSM Carto map style's github rather than somewhere like the tagging list; http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Dmast#First_question:_Is_it_a_mast_or_a_tower.3F is positively unhelpful. However it's not the end of the world - if people map "big pointy thing" using one of any number of OSM tags then most maps using OSM data are free to display "big pointy thing" any way they like, if they feel it's appropriate.



* I'm using British (actually English) English throughout here. Other variants are available.

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