On 9/16/2016 5:37 PM, Spencer Gardner wrote:
It's not clear to me how osm2pgsql handles multiple values for the same key on an OSM feature. For example, imagine I have a way with the following tags:

"parking:lane:right" and "parking:lane:left" are different keys. What happens depends what your tag transform is doing. The default C tag transforms does nothing special with those keys, so doesn't change the values or anything. A lua tag transform or a multi-backend style does what you have defined it to.

 1. How does the "parking" column reflect this after the import
    assuming that my style file has an entry for parking?

If those are the only tags and there is not a "parking" key on the feature, the column is null with the C tag transforms.

 1. Is there a way to define styles that separate these? (i.e. one
    column for parking:lane:right and another column for

My understanding of hstore is that it will suffer from the same problem--if there's a duplicate entry for the same key it takes the first and ignores the others. If this is not the case I'll investigate using that for my purposes.

If you want a column for parking:lane:right and parking:lane:left, add both to your style file.

If you want to do something more sophisticated, you need to use Lua transforms. You could have a column which indicates which sides there is parking on. https://github.com/ClearTables/ClearTables/issues/51 is about something similar for maxspeed:forward and maxspeed:backward
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