Hi Subhani,

thanks for your interest in GSoC. I can give some hints about the
Nominatim projects.

As a first step, you should try to set up a database with OSM data
of a region you are familiar with. http://download.geofabrik.de/
provides reasonably sized extracts you can use. Then play around
with the interface and try to get an understanding of the relation
between the OSM data and the data presented by Nominatim.

For the Reverse geocoding project, analyse the current reverse
geocoding algorithm (lib/ReverseGeodocde.php) and then go through
the issues in github and trac to get an overview, what are the current
shortcomings. Adding a few tests in test/bdd/api/reverse/ is also
a great way to get into the code.

For the postcode project, you should look mainly into the import
process, find out how postcodes are currently handled (starting
point would be the calculate-postcodes section in utils/import.php).
Also you need to get familiar with postcode tagging in OSM and
do some reasearch what different postcode systems are in use al
over the world.

If you want to get your hands dirty with code in general, there
are some open PRs that need to be finished, in particular #552,
#622 and #624 are good for getting started.

Kind regards


On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 12:31:44AM +0530, Subhani Munasinghe wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>      As I was given some instructions to select a project idea, I went
> through the project idea list in
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Google_Summer_of_Code/2017/Project_Ideas
> .
>      I am very interested in three project ideas there. Even though I have
> to select one idea eventually, I would love to know about all those three.
> These are the three projects in I am interested and I would love to
> contribute to one of them.
>    1. Improve Postcode Handling (under Nominatim)
>    2. Improve Reverse Geocoding Algorithm for Nominatim (under Nominatim)
>    3. Make the website use the API (under API)
>       I have done some university project works using *PHP* and I am
> currently self learning *postgresql*. Also, I have completed my 5 months
> internship and there I worked in a project in which *Java, SQL *and* Git* were
> heavily used.
>      What I have done up to now is, created an account in www.osm.org  and
> mapped some data. I got a very good basic idea about how the map grows.
> Also I read the documentation about *imports* and got a brief idea about
> how it works. I practiced how to add objects into map like points, roads,
> areas, tags etc. And it is very very interesting.
>       Now, what I want to know is how to start to do some work in order to
> get familiar with the above mentioned 3 projects. I already forked and
> cloned the source code repository of *Nominatim *from
> https://github.com/openstreetmap/Nominatim. But I didn't try any coding
> because I don't have any idea. So what should be my next step ?
> Thanks in advance !

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