Martin has already pointed to the iD repo. But some further comments
from my side: simply creating objects and writing them to the OSM DB is
fairly easy, however there is an unspoken assumption in your concept:
that there is no other data there. In reality that will not be
universally true and will add complications that you likely don't want
to deal with (or if you ignore them you will not want to deal with being
publicly roasted because your app starts breaking things).

I would really suggest building on existing code except if you want to
write the equivalent of a full blown editor all on your own (which is a
couple of man years of work).


Am 23.04.2017 um 18:46 schrieb Viet Nguyen:
> Hello,
> I'm a new subscriber.  I have looked on Github, iD repo, and npm but
> haven't found a Javascript that can be used with the editing API. 
> Before rolling my own library (JS is not my strong suit) I thought I
> should check with members of the dev list.
> I want to experiment with creating polygons describing rock climbing
> areas and submit them to OSM. 
> Viet
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