
Am 02.01.2018 um 03:41 schrieb Jason Remillard:
> Hi,
> I am struggling with writing an overpass query. I have a list of towns
> in Massachusetts in the US, that I would like to run an overpass query
> for each one. Because of the history of Massachusetts, almost all of
> the town names in Massachusetts are duplicated in the U.K. Just the
> town name is not unique. My current python query looks like this where
> {0} is the the town name.

> What I would really like is to drop the query on the wikipedia tag
> since many of the towns don't have it set yet and instead intersect
> the town area with a query for the Massachusetts relation.

rather than sending multiple requests, you could try everything in a
single query: http://overpass-turbo.eu/s/u9W

This query basically iterates over all admin_level=8 areas inside the
Massachusetts admin_level=4 boundary and returns all relevant landuse data.

The result will first show the area, followed by a list of all nodes,
ways and relation in that area, followed again by the next area, and so

Due to large result size (100MB), be sure to run this query via "Export
-> raw data directly from Overpass API" in overpass turbo.


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