|Dear all,|
|Today, v4.17.0 of the OpenStreetMap Carto stylesheet (the default|
|stylesheet on the OSM website) has been released. Once changes are
deployed |
|on the openstreetmap.org it will take couple of days before all tiles |
|show the new rendering.|
|Changes include|
|- Showing natural areas from z5|
|- Cleaning up medium zoom rendering, including:|
|  - Making societal amenities look like residential on z10-z12|
|  - Rendering motorway junction names from z13 instead of z12|
|  - Dropping buildings up to z13 instead of z13|
|  - Correctly dropping minor waterways from z13|
|  - Rendering intermittent streams/ditches/drains from z15|
|  - Reducing lightening of tramways|
|- Rendering religious landuse and place of worship lighter|
|- Adding text-repeat-distance for highway names|
|- Rendering dots for gastronomy objects on z17|
|- Adding icons for memorial subtags|
|- Rendering man_made=telescope|
|- Rendering amenity=internet_cafe|
|- Adding icon for amenity=public_bookcase|
|- Adding icons for barrier=cattle_grid and barrier=stile|
|- Adding icon for leisure=fishing|
|- Rendering entrance for underground parking|
|- Rendering basin=detention/infiltration as intermittent water|
|- Tweaking outline of swimming pools and rendering it from z17|
|- Moving danger_area into landuse-overlay|
|- Buildings code rewrite|
|Thanks to all the contributors for this release including jeisenbe, a
new contributor.|
|For a full list of commits, see|
|As always, we welcome any bug reports at|

"Excuse me, I have some growing up to do" [P. Gabriel]

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