Currently, if a controller having a nonzero id registers to get a
OFPR_INVALID_TTL async message, it will not receive it.  This is because
compose_dec_ttl() only sent the invalid ttl packets to the default controller
id.  NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS is a new action that accepts a list of controller
ids, each separated by `,', to which the OFPR_INVALID_TTL packets must be sent.
The earlier requirement of the controller having to explicitly register to
receive these asynchronous messages is retained.
The syntax of this action is:
where id1, id2 are valid controller ids.

Signed-off-by: Mehak Mahajan <>
 include/openflow/nicira-ext.h |   40 ++++++++++++++-
 lib/ofp-actions.c             |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 lib/ofp-actions.h             |   16 +++++-
 lib/ofp-parse.c               |   42 +++++++++++++++-
 lib/ofp-util.def              |   39 +++++++-------
 ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c        |   11 +++-
 tests/          |   18 ++++--
 utilities/      |   14 ++++--
 8 files changed, 256 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

diff --git a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
index 4fc2049..50a0eae 100644
--- a/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
+++ b/include/openflow/nicira-ext.h
@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@ enum nx_action_subtype {
     NXAST_OUTPUT_REG,           /* struct nx_action_output_reg */
     NXAST_LEARN,                /* struct nx_action_learn */
     NXAST_EXIT,                 /* struct nx_action_header */
-    NXAST_DEC_TTL,              /* struct nx_action_header */
+    NXAST_DEC_TTL,              /* struct nx_action_cnt_ids */
+    NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS,      /* struct nx_action_cnt_ids */
     NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT,          /* struct nx_action_fin_timeout */
     NXAST_CONTROLLER,           /* struct nx_action_controller */
@@ -1060,6 +1061,43 @@ enum nx_bd_algorithm {
      * Uses the 'fields' and 'basis' parameters. */
     NX_BD_ALG_HRW /* Highest Random Weight. */
+ /* Action structure for NXAST_DEC_TTL and NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS.
+  *
+  * The NXAST_DEC_TTL is used to forward the packet_in having reason code
+  * OFPR_INVALID_TTL to all controllers having a zero controller id.  The
+  * syntax for the same is `dec_ttl'.  The controller (having a zero id)
+  * must have explicitly registered to receive these asynchronous messages.
+  * Though the action does not explicitly have any controllers specified,
+  * the n_controllers will be set to 1 and cnt_ids will contain controller
+  * id 0.
+  *
+  * The NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS is used to forward the packet_in having reason
+  * code OFPR_INVALID_TTL to a list of controllers.  The syntax for specifying
+  * the same is `dec_ttl(id1, id2) where id1, id2 are valid controller ids
+  * (please note that 0 is a valid controller id).  Similar to NXAST_DEC_TTL,
+  * the controllers having the ids specified in the list must have explicitly
+  * registered to receive these asynchronous messages.  The n_controllers will
+  * be set to the number of controllers in the list and cnt_ids will contain
+  * specified controller ids. */
+struct nx_action_cnt_ids {
+    ovs_be16 type;              /* OFPAT_VENDOR. */
+    ovs_be16 len;               /* Length including slaves. */
+    ovs_be32 vendor;            /* NX_VENDOR_ID. */
+    ovs_be16 subtype;           /* NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS. */
+    ovs_be16 n_controllers;     /* Number of controllers. */
+    uint8_t zeros[4];           /* Must be zero. */
+    /* Followed by 1 or more controller ids.
+     *
+     * uint16_t cnt_ids[];        // Controller ids.
+     * uint8_t pad[];           // Must be 0 to 8-byte align cnt_ids[].
+     */
+OFP_ASSERT(sizeof(struct nx_action_cnt_ids) == 16);
 /* Action structure for NXAST_OUTPUT_REG.
diff --git a/lib/ofp-actions.c b/lib/ofp-actions.c
index 6503f61..505c8bb 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-actions.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-actions.c
@@ -149,6 +149,66 @@ note_from_openflow(const struct nx_action_note *nan, 
struct ofpbuf *out)
 static enum ofperr
+dec_ttl_from_openflow(const struct nx_action_cnt_ids *nac_ids,
+                      struct ofpbuf *out)
+    uint16_t id = 0;
+    struct ofpact_cnt_ids *ids;
+    enum ofperr error = 0;
+    ids = ofpact_put_DEC_TTL(out);
+    ids->ofpact.compat = OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL;
+    ids->n_controllers = 1;
+    if (!is_all_zeros(nac_ids->zeros, sizeof nac_ids->zeros)) {
+        error = OFPERR_NXBRC_MUST_BE_ZERO;
+    }
+    ids = out->l2;
+    ofpbuf_put(out, &id, sizeof id);
+    ids = out->l2;
+    ofpact_update_len(out, &ids->ofpact);
+    return error;
+static enum ofperr
+dec_ttl_cnt_ids_from_openflow(const struct nx_action_cnt_ids *nac_ids,
+                      struct ofpbuf *out)
+    struct ofpact_cnt_ids *ids;
+    size_t ids_size;
+    enum ofperr error = 0;
+    int i;
+    ids = ofpact_put_DEC_TTL(out);
+    ids->ofpact.compat = OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS;
+    ids->n_controllers = ntohs(nac_ids->n_controllers);
+    ids_size = ntohl(nac_ids->len) - sizeof *nac_ids;
+    if (!is_all_zeros(nac_ids->zeros, sizeof nac_ids->zeros)) {
+        error = OFPERR_NXBRC_MUST_BE_ZERO;
+    }
+    if (ids_size < ids->n_controllers * sizeof(ovs_be16)) {
+        VLOG_WARN_RL(&rl, "Nicira action dec_ttl_cnt_ids only has %zu bytes "
+                     "allocated for controller ids.  %zu bytes are required 
for "
+                     "%"PRIu16" controllers.", ids_size,
+                     ids->n_controllers * sizeof(ovs_be16), 
+        return OFPERR_OFPBAC_BAD_LEN;
+    }
+    for (i = 0; i < ids->n_controllers; i++) {
+        uint16_t id = ntohs(((ovs_be16 *)(nac_ids + 1))[i]);
+        ofpbuf_put(out, &id, sizeof id);
+    }
+    ids = out->l2;
+    ofpact_update_len(out, &ids->ofpact);
+    return error;
+static enum ofperr
 decode_nxast_action(const union ofp_action *a, enum ofputil_action_code *code)
     const struct nx_action_header *nah = (const struct nx_action_header *) a;
@@ -310,7 +370,12 @@ ofpact_from_nxast(const union ofp_action *a, enum 
ofputil_action_code code,
-        ofpact_put_DEC_TTL(out);
+        error = dec_ttl_from_openflow((const struct nx_action_cnt_ids *) a, 
+        break;
+        error = dec_ttl_cnt_ids_from_openflow(
+                    (const struct nx_action_cnt_ids *) a, out);
@@ -1083,6 +1148,29 @@ ofpact_controller_to_nxast(const struct 
ofpact_controller *oc,
 static void
+ofpact_dec_ttl_to_nxast(const struct ofpact_cnt_ids *oc_ids,
+                                struct ofpbuf *out)
+    struct nx_action_cnt_ids *nac_ids;
+    int ids_len = ROUND_UP(2 * oc_ids->n_controllers, OFP_ACTION_ALIGN);
+    ovs_be16 *ids;
+    size_t i;
+    if (oc_ids->ofpact.compat == OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL) {
+      nac_ids = ofputil_put_NXAST_DEC_TTL(out);
+    } else {
+        nac_ids = ofputil_put_NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS(out);
+    }
+    nac_ids->len = htons(ntohs(nac_ids->len) + ids_len);
+    nac_ids->n_controllers = htons(oc_ids->n_controllers);
+    ids = ofpbuf_put_zeros(out, ids_len);
+    for (i = 0; i < oc_ids->n_controllers; i++) {
+        ids[i] = htons(oc_ids->cnt_ids[i]);
+    }
+static void
 ofpact_fin_timeout_to_nxast(const struct ofpact_fin_timeout *fin_timeout,
                             struct ofpbuf *out)
@@ -1116,7 +1204,7 @@ ofpact_to_nxast(const struct ofpact *a, struct ofpbuf 
     case OFPACT_DEC_TTL:
-        ofputil_put_NXAST_DEC_TTL(out);
+        ofpact_dec_ttl_to_nxast(ofpact_get_DEC_TTL(a), out);
@@ -1512,6 +1600,27 @@ print_note(const struct ofpact_note *note, struct ds 
 static void
+print_dec_ttl(const struct ofpact_cnt_ids *ids,
+                      struct ds *s)
+    size_t i;
+    ds_put_cstr(s, "dec_ttl");
+    if (ids->ofpact.compat == OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS) {
+        if (ids->n_controllers) {
+            ds_put_cstr(s,"(");
+        }
+        for (i = 0; i < ids->n_controllers; i++) {
+            if (i) {
+                ds_put_cstr(s, ",");
+            }
+            ds_put_format(s, "%"PRIu16, ids->cnt_ids[i]);
+        }
+        ds_put_cstr(s,")");
+    }
+static void
 print_fin_timeout(const struct ofpact_fin_timeout *fin_timeout,
                   struct ds *s)
@@ -1647,7 +1756,7 @@ ofpact_format(const struct ofpact *a, struct ds *s)
     case OFPACT_DEC_TTL:
-        ds_put_cstr(s, "dec_ttl");
+        print_dec_ttl(ofpact_get_DEC_TTL(a), s);
diff --git a/lib/ofp-actions.h b/lib/ofp-actions.h
index 2e02181..2003668 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-actions.h
+++ b/lib/ofp-actions.h
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
     DEFINE_OFPACT(SET_L4_DST_PORT, ofpact_l4_port,       ofpact)    \
     DEFINE_OFPACT(REG_MOVE,        ofpact_reg_move,      ofpact)    \
     DEFINE_OFPACT(REG_LOAD,        ofpact_reg_load,      ofpact)    \
-    DEFINE_OFPACT(DEC_TTL,         ofpact_null,          ofpact)    \
+    DEFINE_OFPACT(DEC_TTL,         ofpact_cnt_ids,       cnt_ids)   \
     /* Metadata. */                                                 \
     DEFINE_OFPACT(SET_TUNNEL,      ofpact_tunnel,        ofpact)    \
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@ ofpact_end(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t ofpacts_len)
 /* Action structure for each OFPACT_*. */
@@ -380,6 +380,18 @@ struct ofpact_note {
     uint8_t data[];
+ *
+struct ofpact_cnt_ids {
+    struct ofpact ofpact;
+    /* Controller ids. */
+    unsigned int n_controllers;
+    uint16_t cnt_ids[];
 /* Converting OpenFlow to ofpacts. */
 enum ofperr ofpacts_pull_openflow10(struct ofpbuf *openflow,
                                     unsigned int actions_len,
diff --git a/lib/ofp-parse.c b/lib/ofp-parse.c
index 32d3836..f9dc0ca 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-parse.c
+++ b/lib/ofp-parse.c
@@ -279,6 +279,45 @@ parse_controller(struct ofpbuf *b, char *arg)
 static void
+parse_dec_ttl(struct ofpbuf *b, char *arg)
+    struct ofpact_cnt_ids *ids;
+    ids = ofpact_put_DEC_TTL(b);
+    if (*arg == '\0') {
+        uint16_t id = 0;
+        ids->ofpact.compat = OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL;
+        ofpbuf_put(b, &id, sizeof id);
+        ids = b->l2;
+        ids->n_controllers++;
+    } else {
+        char *idstr, *string;
+        char *cntr;
+        ids->ofpact.compat = OFPUTIL_NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS;
+        string = xstrdup(arg);
+        cntr = strtok_r(string, ", ", &idstr);
+        for (;;) {
+            uint16_t id;
+            id = atoi(cntr);
+            ofpbuf_put(b, &id, sizeof id);
+            ids = b->l2;
+            ids->n_controllers++;
+            if (*idstr == '\0') {
+                break;
+            }
+            cntr = strtok_r(NULL, ", ", &idstr);
+        }
+    }
+    ofpact_update_len(b, &ids->ofpact);
+static void
 parse_named_action(enum ofputil_action_code code, const struct flow *flow,
                    char *arg, struct ofpbuf *ofpacts)
@@ -413,6 +452,7 @@ parse_named_action(enum ofputil_action_code code, const 
struct flow *flow,
@@ -424,7 +464,7 @@ parse_named_action(enum ofputil_action_code code, const 
struct flow *flow,
-        ofpact_put_DEC_TTL(ofpacts);
+        parse_dec_ttl(ofpacts, arg);
diff --git a/lib/ofp-util.def b/lib/ofp-util.def
index 974cd8f..4d1d1a0 100644
--- a/lib/ofp-util.def
+++ b/lib/ofp-util.def
@@ -39,25 +39,26 @@ OFPAT11_ACTION(OFPAT11_SET_TP_DST,   ofp_action_tp_port,  
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_RESUBMIT,       nx_action_resubmit,     0, "resubmit")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL,     nx_action_set_tunnel,   0, "set_tunnel")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_QUEUE,      nx_action_set_queue,    0, "set_queue")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_POP_QUEUE,      nx_action_pop_queue,    0, "pop_queue")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_REG_MOVE,       nx_action_reg_move,     0, "move")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_REG_LOAD,       nx_action_reg_load,     0, "load")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_NOTE,           nx_action_note,         1, "note")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL64,   nx_action_set_tunnel64, 0, "set_tunnel64")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_MULTIPATH,      nx_action_multipath,    0, "multipath")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_AUTOPATH,       nx_action_autopath,     0, "autopath")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE,         nx_action_bundle,       1, "bundle")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD,    nx_action_bundle,       1, "bundle_load")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE, nx_action_resubmit,     0, NULL)
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_OUTPUT_REG,     nx_action_output_reg,   0, NULL)
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_LEARN,          nx_action_learn,        1, "learn")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_EXIT,           nx_action_header,       0, "exit")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_DEC_TTL,        nx_action_header,       0, "dec_ttl")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT,    nx_action_fin_timeout,  0, "fin_timeout")
-NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_CONTROLLER,     nx_action_controller,   0, "controller")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_RESUBMIT,        nx_action_resubmit,     0, "resubmit")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL,      nx_action_set_tunnel,   0, "set_tunnel")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_QUEUE,       nx_action_set_queue,    0, "set_queue")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_POP_QUEUE,       nx_action_pop_queue,    0, "pop_queue")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_REG_MOVE,        nx_action_reg_move,     0, "move")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_REG_LOAD,        nx_action_reg_load,     0, "load")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_NOTE,            nx_action_note,         1, "note")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_SET_TUNNEL64,    nx_action_set_tunnel64, 0, "set_tunnel64")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_MULTIPATH,       nx_action_multipath,    0, "multipath")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_AUTOPATH,        nx_action_autopath,     0, "autopath")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE,          nx_action_bundle,       1, "bundle")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_BUNDLE_LOAD,     nx_action_bundle,       1, "bundle_load")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_RESUBMIT_TABLE,  nx_action_resubmit,     0, NULL)
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_OUTPUT_REG,      nx_action_output_reg,   0, NULL)
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_LEARN,           nx_action_learn,        1, "learn")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_EXIT,            nx_action_header,       0, "exit")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_DEC_TTL,         nx_action_cnt_ids,      1, "dec_ttl")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_DEC_TTL_CNT_IDS, nx_action_cnt_ids,      1, NULL)
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_FIN_TIMEOUT,     nx_action_fin_timeout,  0, "fin_timeout")
+NXAST_ACTION(NXAST_CONTROLLER,      nx_action_controller,   0, "controller")
 #undef OFPAT10_ACTION
 #undef OFPAT11_ACTION
diff --git a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
index cf34e92..20701e4 100644
--- a/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
+++ b/ofproto/ofproto-dpif.c
@@ -5147,7 +5147,7 @@ execute_controller_action(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx, 
int len,
 static bool
-compose_dec_ttl(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx)
+compose_dec_ttl(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx, struct ofpact_cnt_ids *ids)
     if (ctx->flow.dl_type != htons(ETH_TYPE_IP) &&
         ctx->flow.dl_type != htons(ETH_TYPE_IPV6)) {
@@ -5158,7 +5158,12 @@ compose_dec_ttl(struct action_xlate_ctx *ctx)
         return false;
     } else {
-        execute_controller_action(ctx, UINT16_MAX, OFPR_INVALID_TTL, 0);
+        size_t i;
+        for (i = 0; i < ids->n_controllers; i++) {
+            execute_controller_action(ctx, UINT16_MAX, OFPR_INVALID_TTL,
+                                      ids->cnt_ids[i]);
+        }
         /* Stop processing for current table. */
         return true;
@@ -5518,7 +5523,7 @@ do_xlate_actions(const struct ofpact *ofpacts, size_t 
         case OFPACT_DEC_TTL:
-            if (compose_dec_ttl(ctx)) {
+            if (compose_dec_ttl(ctx, ofpact_get_DEC_TTL(a))) {
                 goto out;
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index ba8d309..d72d8f6 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -100,13 +100,16 @@ ffff 0048 00002320 0010 000a 0014 0050 123456789abcdef0 
0000 02 00 0002 0004 dnl
 ffff 0010 00002320 0011 000000000000
 # actions=dec_ttl
-ffff 0010 00002320 0012 000000000000
+ffff 0018 00002320 0012 000100000000 0000000000000000
+# actions=dec_ttl(32768)
+ffff 0018 00002320 0013 000100000000 8000000000000000
 # actions=fin_timeout(idle_timeout=10,hard_timeout=20)
-ffff 0010 00002320 0013 000a 0014 0000
+ffff 0010 00002320 0014 000a 0014 0000
 # actions=controller(reason=invalid_ttl,max_len=1234,id=5678)
-ffff 0010 00002320 0014 04d2 162e 02 00
+ffff 0010 00002320 0015 04d2 162e 02 00
 sed '/^[[#&]]/d' < test-data > input.txt
@@ -214,13 +217,16 @@ ffff 0048 00002320 0010 000a 0014 0050 123456789abcdef0 
0000 02 00 0002 0004 dnl
 ffff 0010 00002320 0011 000000000000
 # actions=dec_ttl
-ffff 0010 00002320 0012 000000000000
+ffff 0018 00002320 0012 000100000000 0000000000000000
+# actions=dec_ttl(32768)
+ffff 0018 00002320 0013 000100000000 8000000000000000
 # actions=fin_timeout(idle_timeout=10,hard_timeout=20)
-ffff 0010 00002320 0013 000a 0014 0000
+ffff 0010 00002320 0014 000a 0014 0000
 # actions=controller(reason=invalid_ttl,max_len=1234,id=5678)
-ffff 0010 00002320 0014 04d2 162e 02 00
+ffff 0010 00002320 0015 04d2 162e 02 00
 sed '/^[[#&]]/d' < test-data > input.txt
diff --git a/utilities/ b/utilities/
index 65fc6e8..705036f 100644
--- a/utilities/
+++ b/utilities/
@@ -942,14 +942,20 @@ Restores the queue to the value it was before any 
 actions were applied.
 .IP \fBdec_ttl\fR
+.IQ \fBdec_ttl\fB[\fR(\fIid1,id2\fI)\fR]\fR
 Decrement TTL of IPv4 packet or hop limit of IPv6 packet.  If the
 TTL or hop limit is initially zero, no decrement occurs.  Instead,
 a ``packet-in'' message with reason code \fBOFPR_INVALID_TTL\fR is
 sent to each connected controller that has enabled receiving them,
-if any.  Processing the current set of actions then stops.
-However, if the current set of actions was reached through
-``resubmit'' then remaining actions in outer levels resume
+if any.  Processing the current set of actions then stops.  However,
+if the current set of actions was reached through ``resubmit'' then
+remaining actions in outer levels resume processing.  This action
+also optionally supports the ability to specify a list of valid
+controller ids.  Each of controllers in the list will receive the
+``packet_in'' message only if they have registered to receive the
+invalid ttl packets.  If controller ids are not specified, the
+``packet_in'' message will be sent only to the controllers having
+controller id zero which have registered for the invalid ttl packets.
 .IP \fBnote:\fR[\fIhh\fR]...
 Does nothing at all.  Any number of bytes represented as hex digits

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