
i don't know any standard way but what i often saw was to create a kind of
"invocation context" to avoid to need anything in the async call.

- Romain

2012/6/22 Rohit Kelapure <kelap...@gmail.com>

> Team,
> Do we have a standard way of propagating CDI contexts (request, session,
> application, singleton, conversation) and other threadlocal state from a
> parent thread say servicing a servlet request to its dispatched child
> runnable using the servlet 3.0 AsyncContext.startAsync or the WorkManager
> APIs.
> I understand that the solution may be specific to individual containers
> like Tomcat, WebLogic, WAS etc ...
> Has anyone already solved this problem for their container ?
> Thought I would ask before fixing it in WAS.
> -cheers,
> Rohit Kelapure

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