I've created some new doc pages for OpenWhisk and updating some existing
pages. All of these will eventually be merged into OpenWhisk official docs
into the GitHub repo, however I think it may be faster to do this
experiment and allow the community to freely edit the content live in the
Google Docs format for a few days before sending it as Pull Request into
the repo. This should be a good experiment and if it works we will continue
to do it for new content and even existing content.

So here are three pages for your review - all directly editable by anyone
with the link - please review and make changes to the contant as well as


For the document #1 we have a lot of <TBD> - and I hope the community can
contribute content to those topics - could be existing blog post, sample
app, etc. I can help with rework of existing content into this structure.
Also please feel free to invite others to contribute.

For some of the doc updates I already used excellent blog articles on
OpenWhisk - with little rework some blog posts can help us fill gaps in
OpenWhisk docs.

Roman Kharkovski
Solution Architect
IBM Cloud Developer Services

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