Hi Tyson,

awesome, we had the same train of thought :). I looked into Gatling as well, 
mainly because it's in Scala so it'd be easy for us to read and build new 
scenarios. Gatling also has a Jenkins plugin (we use Jenkins) which makes it 
very easy to integrate test results.

I also liked how you define a scenario in Gatling and it seemed to fit 
OpenWhisk quite well, especially when looking at more sophisticated use-cases 
with different load-patterns.

My initial experiments are here: 
https://github.com/markusthoemmes/gatling-example. I also have a branch 
somewhere which builds a docker container around the test. That's mainly why I 
used env variables for configuration.

Yes I think we should have those in the openwhisk-performance repo. Eventually 
Gatling/Locust (have to look at that) tests might even subsume the existing 
very basic ones.


Am 10. Mai 2017 um 06:46 schrieb Tyson Norris <tnor...@adobe.com.INVALID>:

Hi -
I spent some time experimenting with gatling and locust.io<http://locust.io> 
load tests, and wanted to find out if people here have some preference?

From my limited usage, some differences are:
- gatling has some good facilities for managing complex tests and decent 
reports with little effort, compared to locust
- locust has some distributed testing capabilities (generate load from multiple 
hosts in a coordinated fashion), but is lighter on report details and test 
scenario complexity.

Branches in my fork are here, I can create pull requests if people are 
interested in pulling this into the openwhisk-performance repo?
(In each branch I created a separate readme with pertinent details of that test 
harness, open to merge with main README.md before creating a PR)

Its also an option to include both, if people are interested.


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