Today we create activation records for triggers regardless of a matching
rule. This can lead to many trigger activations that are not actually doing
anything useful. The system incurs the cost of creating the activation
record and no actions are run.

On the one hand, it's useful to see a trigger activation records when one
creates a trigger and just fires it to get an activation id. But the cost
for supporting this is too high in general. I am proposing only creating an
activation record for a trigger if there is a rule matched (and hence an
action is invoked).

This will reduce the load on the system in terms of useless events
(establishing an event source but not creating any actions to react to

This will require an API change: when a trigger is fired (assuming it
exists, and the subject is authorized to fire it), today the controller
will return 200 OK and an activation id. I propose instead to change the
status code should to 202 Accepted if and only if the trigger has a
corresponding active rule, an 204 No Content otherwise.

I'd like to consider this as a first step as part of a larger item that can
be encompassed by

A subsequent step that I'd like to propose is to eliminate the separate
rule activation record. Instead, the controller should record the matched
rules in the trigger activation record (either as synthetic logs akin to
sequences or as annotations) along with the activation ids of all caused
invocations. Currently there is no visibility to the client in terms of the
activations ids that are caused by a rule, and this leads to a poor user

In turn, this will also reduce the activations load on the database from
the controller, and more importantly allow the client to have visibility
into event causality.

I welcome feedback on this topic and will consolidate feedback into the
issue cited above for implementation.


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