Great progress Michele +1

I agree with the order of your steps.

Step #1
Let's nock step 1 first.
I will summarize it as having first class support for Go at the same level
of JavaScript, Python, Java, Swift, PHP
Meaning from end user support from CLI, docs, runtime image.
wsk action create goaction goaction.go
wsk action create goaction goexec --kind go:1.10
wsk action create goaction --kind go:1.10
extend the runtime image with anything you want to add to the image
>From example:
FROM openwhisk/action-go-v1.10
apt-get install -y imagemagick
docker build . -t csantanapr/action-go-v1.10
wsk action create goaction goaction.go --docker csantanapr/action-go-v1.10
I guess will have a FDK (Functions Developer Kit) :-), making it super easy
to import it and just write a simple go main method/function the FDK
handles the json input, output, etc..

I can help by requesting a new runtime repo
I can setup a boilerplate repo content with some structure for gradle,
build, travis, scala tests
Then you can submit PR to the repo with go specifics.
I guess since your go guru you can handle the few changes to the wsk cli
Do you have a repo with some code already I can take a look?

Step #2
For swift, I can help since I'm working on swift4, it looks like we can
have a new proxy instead of using the python one.
We do some pre-compilation/magic today with [1] to
compile as much as possible up front and creating a shell script that has
the exact lines for compiling and linking.
Do you have some code on swift consuming from pipe instead of ReadLine I
can take a look?

Step #3
After doing go and swift, we can see what are the common parts we can
extract to be common in the docker runtime repo.
And work on backwards compatible single image, and handle the new pipe with
some annotation, or maybe a new image, we can discuss more deeply once we
get there.


On Sat, Feb 24, 2018 at 1:58 PM Michele Sciabarra <>

> Hello, whiskers
> I am at the risk of expanding too much the scope of what I am trying to
> do, so I want to try to focus and work step by step.
> So  I am writing down my plan for review.
> # Step one: implement a good support for GoLang, with piped standard input
> and output, and log in stderr.
> Because there is not a past support for Go, except the generic docker
> support, I think I have some freedom here.
> The support will then work this way (please review carefully):
> ## /init
> The runtime expects posted in /init the usual
> {
>  "binary": ...
>  "code": ...
>  "main": ..
> }
>  where "code" is either a zip file (with binary: true) or a source code
> (with binary: false or absent).
> If it source code, it expects to be a go source.
> It places in /action/main/exec.go and compiles it with go build -o
> /action/exec /action/main/exec.go, getting a /action/exec to execute.
> If is is a zip file, it will unzip it in /action. If there is a
> /action/exec file in the zip it will run it.
> If there is not,  it will look if there is a "main" parameter, getting the
> <main-value>.
> It will compile a /action/main/<main-value>.go. If the <main-value> is
> missing, it will default to /action/main/exec.go.
> Note the zip can include other source files that will be stored in
> /action/<folders>. So I will have to use GOPATH=/action to find them.
> ## /run
> The /run behaviour is:
> At every request, if no action process is running,it will start one and
> will pass the first line as an argument and also in standard output.
> If the executable does not terminate, it will keep feeding more input in
> standard input, expecting output in standard output (line by line) and logs
> in stderr.
> The server will have to collect stderr logs and write them in docker
> stdout, and terminate the output with the markers when an action completes:
> It the executable DOES terminate, it will execute again at the next /run
> request
> ## Step 2: need to implement the same  logic for swift actions (we have to
> keep the existing compilation infrastructure)
> Issues to solve here are the compilation and the "warm" startup problem. I
> have some ideas but... I do better to discuss them once the Go support is
> finished.
> ## Step 3: will discuss with the list if it is worth to extend the support
> to the generic dockerskeleton, that is based on the python proxy.
> There are compatibility issues, because the current docker support logs
> everything in stdout and the last line is the answer, while for using the
> pipe you need to do separate log.
> How does it sound?
> Suggested or required changes?
> Am I missing something?
> Approved?
> --
>   Michele Sciabarra

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