Michele Sciabarra <mich...@sciabarra.com> wrote on 03/28/2018 08:52:04 AM:
> Ok , so you are saying that Kubernetes make it easy to deploy OpenWhisk.
> Then we should really provide an helm chart, I think.
> Because it is the de-facto packaging for Kubernetes nowadays.
>  And contribute it here:
> https://github.com/kubernetes/charts
> What you think of this idea (I can volunteer to work on that)?


        I agree, we should have a default Helm chart to nicely automate
deployment on Kubernetes.  There is an issue for this [1] with a link to a
prototype [2] that may be a useful starting point.  The Helm chart there
may need some updating to catch up to the current code base and deployment

        My suggestion would be develop the Helm chart first in
incubator-openwhisk-deploy-kube repository.  We can then easily include it
in the TravisCI testing.  We can then periodically update the curated chart
at [3].

        It would be great if you had the time to start working on this.


[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk-deploy-kube/issues/63
[2] https://github.com/xingzhou/Deploy_OpenWhisk_with_Helm
[3] https://github.com/kubernetes/charts

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