Looking for a complete working example? 

Here you go! The code of chapter 2, that is already open and free:


PS sorry if I am abusing the list, but I think this is free sample code of 
OpenwWisk useful for everyone.

  Michele Sciabarra

----- Original message -----
From: Randy Jenkins <rji...@gmail.com>
To: dev@openwhisk.apache.org
Subject: Re: Asking opinions about "Learning OpenWhisk" a book from O'Reilly I 
am writing
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 13:44:48 -0400

Hi Michele,

I am someone who has been following this project closely --- but from a
distance.  If the opinion of a future user of OpenWhisk is helpful, here is
The TOC looks great.  Looks like all of the basics should be covered in
those sections.

The one thing I would recommend is to provide at least one complete working
sample.  For me, if I can get something up and running quickly and easily I
am more likely to dig in.  I am a developer so learning new things is
common,  a working example, even if very simple goes a long way for me.

If you need feedback from a potential implementer, I would be happy to
provide feedback in any capacity.

Best wishes and luck to you.

Randy Jenkins

On Wed, Sep 19, 2018 at 12:32 PM Michele Sciabarra <mich...@sciabarra.com>

> Hello all,
> I am not sure if it is appropriate to talk of this on the mailing list or
> not. If not please let me know and I will stop immediately and apologize
> for this post. I assume for now it is acceptable (because I saw similar
> discussions on other mailing lists on the Apache Group), so I post this.
> As some community members already know,  I wrote some chapters (6) of a
> book on OpenWhisk (so you know what you did when I disappeared for a few
> months :)), then I was close to release it as open source and I asked what
> to do of them on the Slack channel.  In a sense the book was complete and
> ready to release.
> To my surprise, instead of recommending to release the book as Open Source
> I was told instead that publishing it with a prestigious editor would have
> been better.
> So I dared to propose the book to the (IMHO) most prestigious technical
> publisher I know, O'Reilly, and guess what, the book was approved!
> The chapters I wrote so far focus on Javascript. However, I was
> recommended (by Carlos and Rodric) not to talk only of Javascript. There is
> a lot of stuff on Javascript people are looking for learning about other
> languages.
> So I ended up with a plan to cover also Python and Go.
> This is the planned TOC so far. I am asking for opinions on it:
> TItle: Learning OpenWhisk
> Part1: Introducing Serverless Development  in JavaScript
> - Serverless and OpenWhisk Architecture
> - A Simple Serverless Application in JavaScript
> - OpenWhisk CLI and JavaScript API
> - Common Patterns in OpenWhisk
> - Integration Patterns in OpenWhis
> - Testing OpenWhisk Applications
> Part 2: Advanced Serverless Development in Python and GoLang
> - Using Python in OpenWhisk
> - Using Databases in OpenWhisk
> - Creating an Alexa Skill in Python
> - Using GoLang in OpenWhisk
> - Using Message Queues in OpenWhisk
> - Creating a Slackbot in GoLang
> Appendixes
> - Deployment with wskdeploy
> - Installing OpenWhisk in Kubernetes
> The key concern is if a similar TOC is acceptable and making the best
> compromise, or the book could be too wide (and hard to read) for the
> potential audience.
> In my opinion, it should be a good compromise between completeness without
> requiring too many skills. But here I am open to hearing other opinions.
> For example, I thought to stick only to javascript but then I would lose
> more advanced aspects that can be of interests to many developers.
> Note I can share freely drafts or chapters of the book with members of the
> community is interested. Contact me privately. But keep in mind the
> publisher give me only 10 free copies so I cannot promise too many printed
> free copies :) :) :)
> PS: the Animal!  You know each O'Reilly book has an animal in the cover.
> After a lot of thinking, I proposed an animal not yet used but I think it
> fits a lot OpenWhisk: the Pagurus (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pagurus).
> Do you like the idea?
> --
>   Michele Sciabarra
>   mich...@sciabarra.com

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