2019-02-13 07:00:07 UTC - chetanm: Seeing following error in logs upon startup
```[2019-02-13T12:22:14.970Z] [ERROR] null
java.lang.NullPointerException: null
        at akka.actor.Scheduler$$anon$2.run(Scheduler.scala:102)
        at akka.dispatch.TaskInvocation.run(AbstractDispatcher.scala:40)
        at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinTask.doExec(ForkJoinTask.java:260)
        at akka.dispatch.forkjoin.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(ForkJoinPool.java:1979)
2019-02-13 07:00:23 UTC - chetanm: Looking at code flow not sure how come NPE 
can come…
2019-02-13 07:10:32 UTC - Markus Thömmes: NullPointerException in Scala. We 
failed big time.
2019-02-13 09:01:58 UTC - Sugandha: @chetanm - Hey Chetan! Where did you 
actually encounter this issue?
2019-02-13 09:04:26 UTC - chetanm: I am seeing when Controller startsup in my 
local build. It comes only once post start and does not come after that
2019-02-13 09:43:46 UTC - Dominic Kim: How does OpenWhisk check unused import?
2019-02-13 09:44:04 UTC - Dominic Kim: I want to exclude some files from the 
2019-02-13 09:44:58 UTC - chetanm: Thats done via Scala Compiler Flags in 
```gradle.ext.scala = [
    version: '2.12.7',
    compileFlags: ['-feature', '-unchecked', '-deprecation', 
'-Xfatal-warnings', '-Ywarn-unused-import']
2019-02-13 09:46:03 UTC - Dominic Kim: Thanks
2019-02-13 10:34:16 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: Need some lazy Initialization?
2019-02-13 10:35:07 UTC - chetanm: yeah was discussing with @Sugandha … may be 
defer the scheduler by say 10 sec
2019-02-13 10:35:19 UTC - chetanm: or init scheduler from a more deterministic 
2019-02-13 13:59:53 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: I see it too in local deployment now.
2019-02-13 14:37:29 UTC - seonghyun: Is there a reason why nodejs8 runtime only 
provides very few NPM libraries, while nodejs6 provides many libraries?
2019-02-13 14:54:12 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: maintenance. 
2019-02-13 14:54:31 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: I’m not opposed to having a few useful 
packages maybe not pinned all the way down to patch.
2019-02-13 15:05:28 UTC - Carlos Santana: Also downstreams want to extend a 
clean base 
2019-02-13 15:06:03 UTC - Carlos Santana: No needing to overwrite files not 
being used in layered to delete or use a different version 
2019-02-13 15:18:48 UTC - seonghyun: I got it. so I think it would be good if 
OW also has a layer concept to provide dependencies user(downstreams) want. 
2019-02-13 15:47:21 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: Hello all I think I need some 
explanation about how I am supposed to configure wsk and generate the 
2019-02-13 15:48:05 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: wsk action list
error: Unable to obtain the list of actions for namespace 'guest': Unable to 
create HTTP request for GET 'actions?limit=30&skip=0': The Cert file is not 
configured. Please configure the missing Cert file.
2019-02-13 15:48:37 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I have openwhisk deployed in an 
ssl site
2019-02-13 15:48:47 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: with valid certificate
2019-02-13 15:49:51 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: it worked some time ago... but no 
2019-02-13 15:52:55 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: :+1: Do you have a proposal?
2019-02-13 16:40:56 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: hmm i dont think i know that error it 
isn’t the usual x509 error
can you run with wsk with -d?
2019-02-13 16:47:55 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: lemme try
2019-02-13 17:14:23 UTC - Andrei Palade: @Andrei Palade has joined the channel
2019-02-13 17:26:53 UTC - Andrei Palade: I came to this channel for the same 
2019-02-13 17:28:06 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I just redeployed ow in kube
2019-02-13 17:28:07 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: trying
2019-02-13 17:30:31 UTC - Andrei Palade: [-go/whisk.addRouteOptions]:051:[Inf] 
Adding options &{Limit:0 Skip:0 Docs:false} to route 'actions'
[-go/whisk.addRouteOptions]:076:[Inf] Returning route options 
'actions?limit=0&skip=0' from input struct &{Limit:0 Skip:0 Docs:false}
[isk.(*ActionService).List]:186:[Err] Action list route with options: actions
[k.(*Client).NewRequestUrl]:718:[Inf] basepath: 
<>, version/namespace path: 
v1/namespaces/openwhisk, resource path: actions?limit=0&amp;skip=0

[k.(*Client).addAuthHeader]:311:[Inf] Adding basic auth header; using authkey
Req Headers
  "Authorization": [
    "Basic MjNiYzQ"
  "User-Agent": [
    "CloudFunctions-CLI/1.0 (2018-11-09T06:11:12+00:00) linux amd64"
[ent-go/whisk.(*Client).Do]:365:[Err] HTTP Do() [req 
 error: Get 
[isk.(*ActionService).List]:200:[Err] <http://s.client.Do|s.client.Do>() error 
- HTTP req 
 error 'Get 
[/commands.entityListError]:038:[Err] Client.Actions.List(openwhisk) error: Get 
[main.main                ]:068:[Inf] err object type: *whisk.WskError
[main.main                ]:072:[Err] Got a *whisk.WskError error: 
&amp;whisk.WskError{RootErr:(*errors.errorString)(0xc420274750), ExitCode:3, 
DisplayMsg:true, MsgDisplayed:false, DisplayUsage:false, DisplayPrefix:true, 
ApplicationError:false, TimedOut:false}
error: Unable to obtain the list of entities for namespace 'openwhisk': Get 
2019-02-13 17:31:46 UTC - Andrei Palade: and this is my .wskprops
2019-02-13 17:31:47 UTC - Andrei Palade: APIHOST=
2019-02-13 17:32:59 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: hm
2019-02-13 17:33:58 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: are you using Kube?
2019-02-13 17:48:43 UTC - Andrei Palade: yes, deployed on top of kubernetes 
cluster with a master node and a worker node
2019-02-13 18:03:17 UTC - Dave Grove: hmm.  could be completely a red herring, 
but there’s a self-signed tls cert buried in nginx-secret.yaml.  I think I’ve 
had to refresh that once before because it had expired.   I’ve been meaning to 
do something less fragile for a while 
2019-02-13 18:03:44 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I am doing some tests
2019-02-13 18:03:51 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: this is what happens
2019-02-13 18:03:57 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I get the AUTH with
2019-02-13 18:04:03 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ```
AUTH=$(kubectl exec -ti openwhisk-wskadmin -- wskadmin user list guest | awk 
'{print $1}')
2019-02-13 18:04:13 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: if I try to set properties
2019-02-13 18:05:44 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: i get:
2019-02-13 18:06:14 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ```
wsk property set --auth "$AUTH" --namespace guest --apihost 
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to <https://sciabarra.net:443>
error: Authenticated user does not have namespace 'guest'; set command failed: 
Unable to create HTTP request for GET: The Cert file is not configured. Please 
configure the missing Cert file.
2019-02-13 18:06:30 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: if I use -i works
2019-02-13 18:07:23 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: note that this used to work
2019-02-13 18:07:32 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: without the -i
2019-02-13 18:07:47 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: 
<http://sciabarra.net|sciabarra.net> has a valid ssl certificate
2019-02-13 18:10:29 UTC - Dave Grove: never mind the nginx-cert.  we should do 
something less fragile, but it is valid until Oct 1, 2019.
2019-02-13 18:14:14 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I am using your 
dgrove-oss:dns-options branch
2019-02-13 18:14:55 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: If you can fix there I can approve 
with also the other changes for DNS
2019-02-13 18:16:39 UTC - Dave Grove: i’m deploying again myself.  that branch 
worked fine for me yesterday, but I didn’t try to get the auth via 
2019-02-13 18:17:57 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: it is because I am using a 
non-standard auth
2019-02-13 18:40:11 UTC - Dave Grove: hmm.  it works for me without needing to 
use `-i`.  I am running on an IBM IKS cluster and configuring to use its tls 
2019-02-13 18:42:42 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: doh
2019-02-13 18:43:03 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: are you using a let's encrypt 
2019-02-13 18:43:49 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: how can you see the version of the 
wsk command?
2019-02-13 18:44:51 UTC - Dave Grove: on IKS, IBM provides the certificates.   
you just configure the ingress to use them by adding a few lines to your 
2019-02-13 18:45:13 UTC - Dave Grove: I’m using `wsk` version 0.9.0 installed 
via homebrew.  Annoyingly, it doesn’t seem to have a -version command
2019-02-13 18:46:28 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I downloaded the binary
2019-02-13 18:46:29 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: hm
2019-02-13 18:48:20 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: `wsk property get --cliversion`
2019-02-13 18:48:28 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: found in the github issues
2019-02-13 18:48:42 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I have wsk property get 
whisk CLI version       2019-01-13T16:34:27.914+0100
2019-02-13 18:48:53 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: which one you have?
2019-02-13 18:49:38 UTC - Carlos Santana: 
2019-02-13 18:50:09 UTC - Dave Grove: 
2019-02-13 18:50:36 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: 
/usr/local/Cellar/wsk/0.9.0-incubating/bin/wsk property get --cliversion
whisk CLI version       not set
2019-02-13 18:50:38 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: great
2019-02-13 18:52:03 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: can you please try with my 
2019-02-13 18:52:31 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I give you the key
2019-02-13 18:52:41 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: there is nothing important there I 
can change it
2019-02-13 18:53:05 UTC - Carlos Santana: You can use “-d” to get high debug 
logs when using wsk 
2019-02-13 18:53:27 UTC - Carlos Santana: Prints more info than “-v” 
2019-02-13 18:54:02 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: can someone try this:
2019-02-13 18:54:07 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: wsk property set --auth 
 --namespace guest --apihost <https://sciabarra.net:443>
2019-02-13 18:54:22 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I get
2019-02-13 18:54:22 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk 
property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to <https://sciabarra.net:443>
error: Authenticated user does not have namespace 'guest'; set command failed: 
Unable to create HTTP request for GET: The Cert file is not configured. Please 
configure the missing Cert file.
2019-02-13 18:54:36 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: 
<http://sciabarra.net|sciabarra.net> has a let's encrypt certificate
2019-02-13 18:55:12 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: ```
&gt; wsk property set --auth 
 --namespace guest --apihost <https://sciabarra.net:443>
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to <https://sciabarra.net:443>
ok: whisk namespace set to guest
&gt; wsk action list
/guest/hello                                                           private 
2019-02-13 18:55:32 UTC - Carlos Santana: penguin :penguin: :troll: :eyes: 
2019-02-13 18:56:22 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ?!?!?
2019-02-13 18:56:54 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: and what is your version of wsk, 
@Rodric Rabbah
2019-02-13 18:57:19 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: i just built it this morning
2019-02-13 18:57:28 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: want me to download from release page?
2019-02-13 18:57:53 UTC - Carlos Santana: Might want to invalidate that key 
:key: at some point  @Michele Sciabarra ^^
2019-02-13 18:58:25 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: hm not sure
2019-02-13 18:58:28 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: you see:
2019-02-13 18:58:29 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ```
2019-02-13 18:58:45 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ```
/usr/local/Cellar/wsk/0.9.0-incubating/bin/wsk property set --auth 
 --namespace guest --apihost <https://sciabarra.net:443>
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to <https://sciabarra.net:443>
error: Authenticated user does not have namespace 'guest'; set command failed: 
Unable to create HTTP request for GET: The Cert file is not configured. Please 
configure the missing Cert file./usr/local/Cellar/wsk/0.9.0-incubating/bin/wsk 
property set --auth 
 --namespace guest --apihost <https://sciabarra.net:443>
ok: whisk auth set. Run 'wsk property get --auth' to see the new value.
ok: whisk API host set to <https://sciabarra.net:443>
error: Authenticated user does not have namespace 'guest'; set command failed: 
Unable to create HTTP request for GET: The Cert file is not configured. Please 
configure the missing Cert file
2019-02-13 18:59:06 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: this is the brew version that works
2019-02-13 18:59:16 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: so I am puzzled
2019-02-13 18:59:23 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: also because it randomly worked
2019-02-13 18:59:30 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: yesterday it did
2019-02-13 19:00:23 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I download the latest version
2019-02-13 19:03:27 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: im already crypto mining 
2019-02-13 19:03:47 UTC - Carlos Santana: Me too 🥳
2019-02-13 19:06:27 UTC - Carlos Santana: :pokecoin: :pokecoin: :pokecoin: 
2019-02-13 19:06:45 UTC - Carlos Santana: Looking forward to seeing this 
messages on dev list 
2019-02-13 19:09:48 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: oy
2019-02-13 19:38:41 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: i downloaded this just now 
 and tried again - also successful
2019-02-13 19:47:16 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: osx mojave?
2019-02-13 19:49:34 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: inseresting
2019-02-13 19:49:34 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: yes
2019-02-13 19:49:37 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: using this version works
2019-02-13 19:51:51 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: ... once ...
2019-02-13 19:51:53 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: hm!
2019-02-13 19:54:31 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: I removed the .wskprops and now 

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