2019-03-23 01:15:28 UTC - Roberto Diaz: @Michele Sciabarra I have checked and 
running using the invoker all is working as expected:
2019-03-23 01:15:36 UTC - Roberto Diaz: 
2019-03-23 01:16:18 UTC - Roberto Diaz: it have to be something funny related 
with the scala test
2019-03-23 01:16:37 UTC - Roberto Diaz: I found this 
2019-03-23 01:19:36 UTC - Roberto Diaz: `\u` produces strange things but I 
tried with this `"""\"""+"""u{2603} ...` it compiles in scala but fails when 
the action is called obtaining something like "502 was not equals to 200"
2019-03-23 01:53:27 UTC - Roberto Diaz: this makes no sense... without any 
space or with only one space the output is printed in the test assert, but with 
2 spaces (before and after the snowman) the test assert against `""`. checking 
from terminal with `invoke` all works as expected... It is something related 
with the setup in any point between runtime and scala tests
2019-03-23 02:46:47 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: hm
2019-03-23 02:48:32 UTC - Michele Sciabarra: uhm I suspect the problem is a bit 
more depth and related to the way rust interprets the encoding - I had similar 
problems and I ensured the proxy accepts UTF-8 input (which does) and scala 
generally encodes that properly. If a problem happens it happens after the file 
has been uploaded - that test is there to ensure UFT-8 is handled properly
2019-03-23 04:23:57 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: can you point me to the scala test for 
this case?
2019-03-23 05:12:27 UTC - Carlos Santana: The Scala test code is the same in 
all runtimes so it must be rust @Roberto Diaz 
2019-03-23 11:06:40 UTC - Roberto Diaz: It is weird, my 5 cents that it is a 
problem related with the way that rust uses unicode using `\u` that is entering 
in conflict with unicode char treatment in Scala strings
2019-03-23 11:09:57 UTC - Roberto Diaz: It is working calling the action alone 
in terminal, using the invoke calling the action loop but it is failing 
processing the assert inside the test
2019-03-23 11:14:38 UTC - Carlos Santana: Hmm interesting, maybe a utf8 vs 
2019-03-23 11:21:04 UTC - Roberto Diaz: It could be. 
2019-03-23 11:47:05 UTC - Carlos Santana: If you can share the code with 
@Rodric Rabbah he is the Scala guru 
2019-03-23 11:54:23 UTC - Roberto Diaz: I'll do it later, I'm afk now. BTW I'm 
reading now that unicode chars can be used directly from Rust without codes, so 
it could help to solve it also. I'll try it later as well
+1 : Carlos Santana
2019-03-23 15:06:17 UTC - Roberto Diaz: @Rodric Rabbah this is the problematic 
If you try to pass it, the scala test receive `""` but if you remove the spaces 
between curly braces, the scale test performs the assert against  `”❄☃❄"` so 
something funny is happening when the spaces are removed
2019-03-23 15:07:43 UTC - Roberto Diaz: Running the function alone or 
integrated in the action loop returns the expected values
2019-03-23 15:08:52 UTC - Carlos Santana: This in Travis or your laptop?
2019-03-23 15:09:21 UTC - Carlos Santana: It could be that some environment 
variables are missing for the jvm 
2019-03-23 15:14:42 UTC - Roberto Diaz: This is locally
2019-03-23 15:22:25 UTC - chetanm: Whats your local OS
2019-03-23 15:24:04 UTC - Roberto Diaz: Osx
2019-03-23 15:25:50 UTC - Roberto Diaz: May it be the terminal giving me a 
false positive?:man-shrugging: 
2019-03-23 15:32:09 UTC - Carlos Santana: Try running in Travis same setup that 
we have for other runtime repos 
2019-03-23 15:32:45 UTC - Carlos Santana: And another idea run the same test 
but with a js action 
2019-03-23 15:32:58 UTC - Carlos Santana: If both fail then is the Scala test 
2019-03-23 15:33:15 UTC - Carlos Santana: If js works and rust fails then is 
2019-03-23 15:35:12 UTC - Roberto Diaz: Yeah! I'm going to pass go runtime tests
+1 : Carlos Santana
2019-03-23 15:35:43 UTC - Roberto Diaz: If it is a problem of my setup it 
should fail also
100 : Carlos Santana
2019-03-23 18:24:26 UTC - Roberto Diaz: I got this from go runtime :
runtime.actionContainers.ActionLoopBasicGoTests &gt; runtime proxy should 
handle unicode in source, input params, logs, and result PASSED
2019-03-23 18:24:54 UTC - Roberto Diaz: so there is something funny between 
rust and scala
2019-03-23 19:08:20 UTC - Roberto Diaz: this is totally nonsense. If I use 
another char different than the snowman it works 
org.scalatest.exceptions.TestFailedException: Some(":snowflake: :scissors: 
:snowflake:") was not equal to Some(":snowflake: :snowman: :snowflake:")  
:tired_face::gun: . These are the things that make you think when you chose the 
wrong career in the past :joy:
2019-03-23 19:17:07 UTC - Roberto Diaz: are there any way to debug the scala 

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