Hi Team,

As discussed in last Tech Interchange call support is now being added
to launch the Api Gateway with Standalone Server [1]. With this it
should be possible to direct new OpenWhisk users to use the Standalone
server to try out various features provided by OpenWhisk

So far tests look fine and would now like to seek some feedback from
community on this feature. For this it would be helpful if you can try
out a beta build and see if it works as expected

# Fetch custom docker build of apigateway which has
apache/incubator-openwhisk-apigateway#347 fixed
$ docker pull chetanmeh/apigateway

# Download the openwhisk-standalone jar
$ wget 
$ java -Dwhisk.standalone.api-gateway.image=chetanmeh/apigateway -jar
openwhisk-standalone.jar --api-gw

Post this you can use the steps as mentioned in [2] to check out the
gateway support.

Please share any feedback on #4571 or this mail thread

Chetan Mehrotra
[1] https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/pull/4571
[2] https://github.com/apache/incubator-openwhisk/blob/master/docs/apigateway.md

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