2019-08-27 03:24:20 UTC - chris: Does anyone know how to solve this error ? 
`"error"`: `"The action produced a response that exceeded the allowed length: 
1598438 > 1048576 bytes.`

The maximum size of a result returned from an action is 1MB.
Is it can be changed in application.conf like memory limit ?
Or someone knows the better method to do ?
2019-08-27 04:56:56 UTC - chetanm: Thats the response size limit as documented 
2019-08-27 05:45:18 UTC - chris: I know it is limied in 1MB. So do we have 
method to change the setting or other way to solve ~~?
2019-08-27 05:53:36 UTC - chetanm: The value is specified at 
 so one can change it there or by passing custom config
2019-08-27 13:09:41 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: hello do anyone have 
instructions how to create, build and deploy a trained by hisself model docker 
image and push it in openwhisk?
2019-08-27 13:10:14 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: i have installed openwhisk 
locally with docker compose
2019-08-27 13:32:01 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: how did you create the docker 
machine learning model? because i am confused with this 
2019-08-27 13:32:17 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: how many files do i need to 
2019-08-27 14:28:26 UTC - Paul Castro: Do you mean a model like a neural net?  
if so, there’s this example <https://github.com/vinodmut/servemodel>
2019-08-27 15:25:00 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: and if i want to train a ml 
model by my own, save it and then build a proper docker image for openwhisk?
2019-08-27 18:12:17 UTC - Pepi Paraskevoulakou: can i create my own machine 
learning model with docker openwhisk skeleton in python3?

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