This vote is now closed.  The motion to accept the contribution of wskdebug 
from Adobe was successful with 8 +1 votes (Santana, Allen, Dragos, Mutkowski, 
Sciabarra, Grove, Rabbah, Stanciu) and no other votes cast.

I will go ahead and create the empty openwhisk-wskdebug repo to accept the 
initial import.
Once the code is imported and cleaned up to pass scancode (primarily license 
headers), I'll
put in the infra JIRA to configure the gitrepo per the project conventions.


On 2020/02/20 14:36:49, "David P Grove" <> wrote: 
> This is a call to vote to accept the donation of the wskdebug code base
> from Adobe as discussed in [1]. This majority vote will remain open for at
> least 72 hours.
> The IP clearance form [2] has been filed and I will initiate an IPMC IP
> clearance vote shortly (in parallel with this vote).  (Note that there
> appears to be a lag in rebuilding the html version of the clearance at [2];
> consult the .xml file in svn [3] if you want to see the latest)
>  If the vote is successful, we will create a new git repo,
> openwhisk-wskdebug, to contain the donated code to allow the OpenWhisk
> community to continue its development.
> --dave
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

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