Thank you so much for the insights! This will definitely come in handy as I 
start to look at what it would take implementation-wise.

On 2020/03/24 23:15:58, Nick Mitchell <> wrote: 
> we implemented this in
> some lessons learned. it's possible, but tricky, due to the loose semantics
> of openwhisk delete-after-delete ordering, plus some bits of potential race
> conditions with with list windowing. things may have improved since we
> first implemented this, so keep that in mind:
> 1) if you have an action in a package; then you have to delete the actions
> in the package before you can delete the package; but... if you issue the
> package delete after the last action delete API call has returned, there
> (at least used to be) a short window where the package delete would fail. i
> think this depends upon the quorum configuration of your backend database.
> so you may need to have retries here.
> 2) if you have more than 200 (or whatever the LIMIT config is of your
> server) actions (c.f. packages, etc.), then you will need to manage the
> windowing yourself. since the openwhisk API has no strong sense of cursors
> (or does it now?), you have to be careful to fetch all windows before
> initiating any deletes in any of the windows...
> there may be more issues, but this one was non-trivial to get right. after
> doing all the work, "delete all" struck me as the kind of thing that should
> be supported by the API directly.
> @starpit
> On Tue, Mar 24, 2020 at 5:23 PM Will Plusnick <> wrote:
> > Hello all!
> >
> > I've frequently found myself having to clear a namespace after working
> > on a demo or when experimenting. I'll have a number of artifacts left
> > in a namespace that I don't want to preserve. Right now, unless I used
> > wskdeploy for deployment, I'm stuck manually deleting all of the
> > actions, rules, etc. I want to propose adding a command to the
> > namespace subcommand in the cli for deleting all the artifacts in a
> > namespace.
> >
> > I envision the syntax for the command going something like:
> >
> > $ wsk namespace delete all
> > This command will delete all entities in the namespace <namespace>:
> > <list of entities>
> > Are you sure you want to proceed? Type '<namespace name>' to proceed:
> > <user typed namespace name>
> > action:
> > <entity 1> is deleted
> > <entity 2> is deleted
> > ..
> > trigger:
> > <entity 3> is deleted
> > <entity 4> is deleted
> > ..
> > etc
> >
> > The user would then be prompted whether they really want to delete all
> > of the entities in the namespace. They would need to type in a "danger
> > phrase" such as the name of the namespace to avoid accidentally running
> > the command. This is similar to deleting a github repo. If anything
> > but the "danger phrase" is received then the operation is aborted.
> >
> > This is a feature I would find personally useful, and would like to
> > add it to the cli. Does the community at large feel this is a useful
> > feature?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Will
> >
> >

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