Github user jamesclampffer commented on the issue:
    @majetideepak it looks like the build still fails with this in place. includes hdfspp.h which won't exist if libhdfs++ isn't extracted.
    <cut>/apache_orc/build$ cmake .. -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF
    -- No build type selected, default to ReleaseWithDebugInfo
    -- compiler GNU version 4.9.4
    -- Could NOT find CYRUS_SASL (missing: CYRUS_SASL_SHARED_LIB 
    -- WARNING: Libhdfs++ library was not built because the required CyrusSASL 
library was not found
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: <cut>/apache_orc/build
    <cut>:~/apache_orc/build$ make package
    [  7%] Built target googletest_ep
    [ 14%] Built target snappy_ep
    [ 21%] Built target zlib_ep
    [ 28%] Built target lz4_ep
    [ 35%] Built target protobuf_ep
    [ 36%] Building CXX object c++/src/CMakeFiles/orc.dir/
    <cut>/apache_orc/c++/src/ fatal error: 
hdfspp/hdfspp.h: No such file or directory
     #include "hdfspp/hdfspp.h"
    compilation terminated.
    c++/src/CMakeFiles/orc.dir/build.make:693: recipe for target 
'c++/src/CMakeFiles/orc.dir/' failed


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