I think it would be interesting to OTRS 4, update some javascript libraries
to their latest versions.
I saw that some of the libraries currently used, are well out of date or
are betas.
Below is a list of libraries used, with their latest versions:

CKEditor 4.3             -----> 4.4.5 (Github
jQuery 1.10               -----> 1.11.1 (Website <http://jquery.com/>)
jQuery 1.10.3            -----> 1.11.1 (Website <http://jqueryui.com/>)
jsPlumb 1.6.1            -----> 1.6.3 (Github
jQuery Validate 1.11 -----> 1.13 (Github
FullCalendar 1.6.1    -----> 2.1.1 (Website <http://fullcalendar.io/>)
Flot 0.8.1                  -----> 0.8.3 (Github
Stacktrace 0.4          -----> 0.6.2 (Github
json2.js                     -----> 2014-02-04 version (Github
jsTree 1.0-rc3           -----> 3.0.4 (Github
Farahey                    -----> 0.5 (Github
d3 3.3                       -----> 3.4.11 (Github
Font-Awesome 4.1   -----> 4.2 (Github
QUnit 1.11                -----> 1.15 (Github <http://qunitjs.com/>)

With that, we could provide more functionality, more optimized
libraries, more security and more compatibility with modern browsers.
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