Attendees, Agenda:
Lars (Cloudera Impala): Zoltan proposal to get to a more stable release or
feature flag
Qinghui, Benoit, Miguel, Justin (Criteo): Pull request. Parquet-proto.
Gidon (IBM): encryption JIRA. On track
Ryan (Netflix): getting 1.10 out
Zoltan (Cloudera): column index fixes from Gabor, ideas on list
Anna (Cloudera): Compatibility issues.

Compatibility issues and flags:

   - Define standard flags for features that are supported or not:
      - New Compression algorithms: Brotli, ZStandard, ...
      - New Encodings (since v1): Delta-int, …
   - Flags are standards across parquet implementations to limit usage of
   features to a set supported across all components
   - Define (a few) profiles with the sets of features supported for a
   given version (1.0, 2.0, 3.0)
      - These are goals for any implementation to support.
   - To be discussed: optional features that can be ignored and don’t
   prevent reading the file (ex: bloom filters, page index)
   -  Zoltan: create jira and google doc with a design proposal


   - Criteo to validate and give +1 :
   - New feature needed:
      -  support: empty list vs null list.
      - Crate will Create jira and submit New PR

Column indexes: (By Gabor) PR:

   - Needs modification in parquet-format utils (not the thrift metadata)
   => new release
   - first version writing into parquet-mr
   - Action:
      - Ryan to review
      - Ryan and Zoltan to follow up on making parquet-format release

On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 9:02 AM, Julien Le Dem <>

> starting now on google hangout:

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