as an added note - initially you suggested

public void processTilingPattern(PDTilingPattern pattern) 

but as Patterns in general have their own matrix I think it applies to all 
patterns, that’s why I wrote „… Form, Text, Image and Pattern maintain …“


Am 19.03.2014 um 18:31 schrieb Maruan Sahyoun <>:

> John,
> Am 19.03.2014 um 18:15 schrieb John Hewson <>:
>> Maruan
>>> From how I understand the rendering in PDF Form, Text, Image and Pattern 
>>> maintain their own matrix to map to user space which is then transformed by 
>>> the CTM to device space so handling them specifically is fine and inline 
>>> with the spec.
>> No, that’s not right, what I said was:
>>>> My problem is that tiling patterns are defined in their parent stream’s 
>>>> initial coordinate space, rather than the
>>>> coordinate space defined by the CTM.
>> So patterns should *not* be using the CTM, which is what I’m trying to 
>> achieve.
> I think you misunderstood what I wrote - patterns have their own matrix - so 
> I think we are on the same page here. IMHO according to the spec CTM 
> transforms from user space to device space. So it’s pattern space -> user 
> space -> device space.
>>> I’d suggest that we make sure that the different ‚spaces‘ are defined 
>>> properly within the code and refer to the PDF spec so that the code is 
>>> easier to read if this is not already the case. With so many changes it’s a 
>>> good opportunity to enhance the documentation within the source code. Some 
>>> of the old code enjoys very little documentation.
>> I disagree, in general I don’t think that references to the PDF spec are a 
>> good form of documentation (there are some exceptions). References to the 
>> spec are meaningless to the reader unless they take the time to look them up 
>> in a 700 page PDF document. I would argue that by just linking back to the 
>> spec, we have *failed* to document PDFBox, not succeeded.
>> References to the PDF spec have another major flaw: they go out-of-date. For 
>> example a Pattern Colour Space will always be called “Pattern Colour Space” 
>> in future versions of the PDF spec but it may not be described in paragraph 
>> or on page 156. The existing code contains many references to the 
>> PDF 1.6 and 1.7 specs as well as the ISO PDF32000 spec, which means that I 
>> need three 700 page PDF files open at all times in order to look up PDFBox 
>> references. With the new version of the PDF spec due this year, this 
>> situation is going to get worse.
> Didn’t mean to only reference to the spec but to use the same terms as 
> described by the spec. Adding references to the spec is an add-on not a 
> replacement.
>> I agree that some of the existing code needs more documentation, and I often 
>> add documentation to old files which I’m working on. However, my approach is 
>> to just paste in a sentence or two from the PDF spec (fair use). That way 
>> the reader does not ever need to look at the PDF spec. Because we use the 
>> same terminology in PDFBox as in the spec, if someone really wants to look 
>> something up, it’s as simple as Ctrl+F, no reference needed, and it’s 
>> guaranteed not to go out-of-date.
>>> I wouldn’t remove processStream and processSubStream but deprecate them and 
>>> remove them in the next major release though as to keep the changes to a 
>>> minimum.
>> This isn’t possible, as I said it "will necessarily be a breaking change”. 
>> This is because in 2.0 PDFStreamEngine needs to know the parent of each 
>> stream, but processStream and processSubStream do not provide this 
>> information. That’s why I’m discussing this on the mailing list.
> I don’t understand why this is shouldn’t be possible. It’s more effort, 
> agreed, but beneficial.
>>> For the rendering what might have been missed is taking the UserUnit entry 
>>> in the page dictionary into account which might change the default user 
>>> space. This was introduced in PDF 1.6. A good opportunity to read that 
>>> entry and make sure that we handle it appropriately.
>> Yes, I have this as a “todo” in my working copy, however, if we put the 
>> UserUnit in the matrix then we should also put the page Rotation into the 
>> matrix, but that’a a significant change.
>> -- John

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