Please keep all conversations on the mailing list.

Pranavan Theivendiram wrote:
Hi Josh. I had hadoop-2.5.1 jars. I replaced the old jars with new
hadoop 2.6.4 jars. (Earlier I got some class not found errors. I fixed
it by replacing 2.5.1 with 2.6.4)

I am thinking like, this is a problem between hbase and zookeeper.
*2016-06-02 14:52:00,080 [myid:] - INFO  [ProcessThread(sid:0
cport:2181)::PrepRequestProcessor@651] - Got user-level KeeperException
when processing sessionid:0x155106b3fcb0000 type:delete cxid:0x1f
zxid:0x13 txntype:-1 reqpath:n/a Error
Path:/hbase/rs/localhost,60000,1464859314301 Error:KeeperErrorCode =
NoNode for /hbase/rs/localhost,60000,1464859314301*

Above is an INFO log that I have found in zookeeper.


*T. Pranavan*
/*Junior Consultant *| Department of Computer Science & Engineering
,University of Moratuwa/
*Mobile| *0775136836

On 2 June 2016 at 22:04, Josh Elser <
<>> wrote:

    Did you download tarballs from Apache? Some vendor?

    If you downloaded the Apache HBase 1.2.1 binary tarball, you will
    have hadoop-2.5.1 jars on the HBase classpath. It would be good to
    make sure you have consistent versions of Hadoop/HDFS on the HBase

    Pranavan Theivendiram wrote:

        Please find the answers inline.

        On 2 June 2016 at 21:22, Josh Elser <
        < <>>> wrote:

             How did you install HDFS and HBase and what versions of
        each did you
             use? It looks like you might somehow have incompatible

        Hadoop - 2.6.4
        Zookeeper - 3.4.8
        Hbase - 1.2.1

             I also haven't seen any message from you on the hbase lists
        (user or
             dev). Make sure you subscribe to the user@ list before posting.

        I sent a mail to hbase dev list.

        Can you able to map what are the incompatible libraries from the
        that I have shared?

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