
On Wed, Aug 1, 2018 at 10:16 AM Josh Elser <josh.el...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Given no further input, here's the draft board report. If no concerns,
> I'll be sending this out sooner than later.
> ---
> ## Description:
>   - Apache Phoenix enables SQL-based OLTP and operational analytics for
> Apache Hadoop
> ## Issues:
>   - There are no issues requiring board attention at this time
> ## Activity:
>   - Two major release: 4.14.0 and 5.0.0. The former target HBase-0.98
> and 1.x major release lines, the latter targeted HBase-2.0.
>   - We've decided to stop releases versions of Phoenix that support
> HBase 0.98 and 1.1 releases as the HBase project has made a similar
> decision on creating more releases of those versions.
>   - Created a new mailing list, issues@phoenix, to reduce overall
> traffic to dev@phoenix.
>   - Held PhoenixCon on June 18th in San Jose, California, USA
> concurrently with HBaseCon (same day, same space). We had roughly 150
> people in attendance at the events, with 10 Phoenix-specific talks
> given. Feedback was overall positive. Recordings are available at
> https://phoenix.apache.org/phoenixcon-archives.html for those who were
> unable to physically attend the event.
>   - We've added two new PMC members and one new committer since our last
> report.
> ## Health report:
>   - Things largely remain the same for the project. As HBase continues
> to evolve into newer versions, it requires us to do the same in Phoenix.
> We have continued activity in the project and I believe things look OK
> for the future.
>   - Continuing to support and grow new contributors is a challenge.
> ## PMC changes:
>   - Currently 27 PMC members.
>   - New PMC members:
>      - Pedro Boado was added to the PMC on Thu Jun 07 2018
>      - Vincent Poon was added to the PMC on Thu Jun 07 2018
> ## Committer base changes:
>   - Currently 36 committers.
>   - Ohad Shaham was added as a committer on Fri Jun 08 2018
> ## Releases:
>   - 4.14.0 was released on Fri Jun 08 2018
>   - 5.0.0 was released on Sat Jul 14 2018
> ## Mailing list activity:
>   - List activity is largely consistent with previous months. There is a
> slight down-tick in volume to users@phoenix.

Best regards,

Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from truth's
decrepit hands
   - A23, Crosstalk

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