Hi Julian,

no .. no contracts involved. 

I am trying to bring more people on board and they too seem to be working on 
something similar to PLC4X, but currently have only managed to get S7 support 
working. They seemed very interested in joining forces. Unfortunately we never 
really managed to meet and do the kickoff.

I would simply contact them via email, the same way I have in the past.


Am 31.07.18, 14:40 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" <j.feina...@pragmaticminds.de>:

    Hey Chris,




    yes, we definetly consider both (Mallorca is set!).




    Do you have contacts to the guys from the University or how should we 
notify them?








    Am 31.07.18, 14:13 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" <christofer.d...@c-ware.de>:




        Hi Julian,








        I think we should think about both options.




        And I would gladly come by and meet with you guys.








        At the university of Stuttgart there are one or two people also 
interested in PLC4X, 




        maybe it would be a good chance to get them to come too.




















        Am 31.07.18, 11:59 schrieb "Julian Feinauer" 








            Hi Chris,
















            this sounds really awesome and I would love to join you.








            And I think alongside me two other members of our team which are 
currently getting into plc4j would come with us.








            I really like the idea of getting together and speaking personally.








            3-4 days are fine if we do it over a weekend.
















            Perhaps, another idea we also had was to start a small (one day) 
meetup to get in contact personally.








            We could do this in our facility if there is interest (Nürtingen, 
near Stuttgart).
















            Is there any interest in such a meeting in the next weeks?








































            Am 31.07.18, 11:24 schrieb "Christofer Dutz" 
















                Hi all,
















                I know that I have asked this before, but I think I should do 
this again …








                Hopefully this time there will be more interest in it. I will 
also be inviting some people who are not on the list.
















                As I mentioned before, my company has a Finca on the Island of 
Mallorca (Spain). This Finca can be freely used by teams for team retreats.
















                I would like to invite people interested in PLC4X to meet in 
person and to discuss things like API, Features, Architecture and do some 
Onboarding with potential new committers …








                ok … and of course Pool, BBQ and Sangria ;-)
















                The accommodation and most of the food and drinks would be 
covered by codecentric and all you would need to do is cover the flight costs 
there (pretty cheap outside of the holiday season)








                Having a look at the calendar however this retreat would have 
to be somewhere after 19.11. as all previous slots are taken, but I would 
really like to meet with you guys. Probably the Pool sessions will be a little 
chilly, but it’s always better there than in Frankfurt at that time (about 10°C 
warmer and a lot dryer)
















                I was thinking of 3-4 days (maybe including weekend if this 
fits your calendars better)
















                What do you think?














































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