Hey folks,

We've finally got ourselves moved into our new place, and so I can
resume my hobby of supporting various open source projects, including
this one. :)

*[begin blah blah blah]*

POI is a really useful project that I've used for a few things in the
past, and I'm excited to help out. However, I do want to state publicly
the scope of my commitment to this project just so we're all on the same
page. :)

At the moment, my interest in POI is strictly related to tasking at my
day job. The company I work for does a lot of one-off R&D projects that
don't typically make it to production usage, so I suspect they would not
be interested in paying for my participation in POI other than work
directly related to our usage of POI -- which isn't actually as much as
you might think, despite that I spent 3 months creating a vsdx parser et

Right now I'm a primary maintainer on two other multi-contributor
projects that I'm more personally invested in (Exaile and RobotPy), and
they already eat a lot of my personal free time.

However, I am very interested in seeing VSDX support make its way into
POI, and as such I'm definitely interested in doing the necessary work
to get that initial integration in trunk. After that, I would prefer to
keep a limited scope commitment to the project that revolves around
bugfixes related to VSDX support. Of course, I may revisit that in the

*[end blah blah blah]*

Now, with all that said, it seems like the things that will need to be
done to close out https://bz.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=58087
are as follows:

* Finish the IP clearance template (looks like most of it is done?)
* Change the copyright headers to Apache (where should I dump the code
once this is done?)
* Integrate the visio ooxml schema into the schema jar or spin off
(David seems to have volunteered to do this task, but I don't see a
separate bug for it.. my two cents, add to schema jar)
* Integrate the vsdx code into POI -- seems like the place to put it is
in poi-scratchpad?
* Can someone create an XDGF category on bugzilla? :)

Some things that I know remain to be done in the code:

* Create a basic text extractor like the other file formats have... I
seem to recall there's a common interface, right?
* Add some very basic unit tests -- I focused the testing on code that
we cannot publicly release, unfortunately, instead of at the low level
vsdx support as POI would require. Need to create some dummy sample data
files too.
* Fix the drawing support to fill in colors (it's mostly something I've
used as a debugging tool, so it's not as polished as an end user might want)
* Tweak things to fit into POI better

As I embark on some of this, I see that POI uses SVN. Is it appropriate
for me to create a branch there and put all of this work in that until
it's ready for merging (obviously after some others code review it), or
should I put it in some other place. The new committer docs et al aren't
immediately clear on this point.



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