Hi *,

I've prepared artifacts for the release of Apache POI 3.17 (RC3).

The most notable changes in this release are:

- Various modules: add sanity checks and fix infinite loops / OOMs caused by 
fuzzed data
- OPC: fix linebreak handling on XML signature calculation (#61182)
- SS Common: fix number formatting (github-43/52, #60422)
- SXSSF: fix XML processing - unicode surrogates and line breaks (#61048, 


I'll add the summary to the change log on releasing the artifacts.
This will be the last release for Java 6 - the next release will be 4.0.0 for 
Java 8 [1]

Please vote to release the artifacts.
The vote keeps open for 72hrs, 2017-09-13, 23:59 UTC,
planned release announcement date is Saturday, 2017-09-16.

Here is my +1



Attachment: signature.asc
Description: OpenPGP digital signature

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