--- Comment #5 from ---
fwiw, in Excel, although -2^(0.333333) gives an error, -2^(0.333333333333333)
does not (and -2^(n/y) is also an error if n is > 1, even if 1/y works fine). 

Possibly the Excel pow() evaluator is simply checking its argument to see if it
is the equivalent to 1/y where y is an odd number. this exception-based
approach would not be hard to implement in POI-- it would not need to impact
the interpreter, and would just be a change to the pow() code such as the
following, with the appropriate type used in lieu of "double":

  function pow(x, y) {
    if(abs(y) < 1) {
      double one_over = abs(1/y);
      // change .001 to smallest possible val that still gives correct result
      int yth_root = (int)round(one_over, 0);
      if(abs(round(one_over, 0) - one_over) < .001) {
        double exact_1_over_y = (double)1/(double)yth_root;
        if(y == exact_1_over_y) { // y = 1/n or the exact decimal equivalent
          // find the yth root and return that

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