Hi all,

PR#109 is now ready for code review and later merging into trunk.
https://github.com/apache/poi/pull/109 <https://github.com/apache/poi/pull/109>

I would have liked to change the title of it, but since it already exists I 
have no rights on the PR, not even to open a new one for the same branch.

My current implementation exists as an alternative implementation to the 
partial and redundant implementations in XSLF and XSSF. At a later stage, we 
would need to make XSLFTextParagraph and XSSFTextParagraph extend from 
XDDFTextParagraph (as well as XSLFTextRun and XSSFTextRun from XDDFTextRun) in 
order to reduce the duplicated code in both existing local implementations of 
that part of DrawingML.

I will probably not reach the same replacement as was done with XDDFChart, but 
the ideal is very similar.

Best regards,

PS: I did execute the retest-ooxml target, but is it enough to make sure all 
required CT* and ST* classes are in ooxml-lite?

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