On 5 October 2016 at 16:59, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> While lists.apache.org is better in so many ways than what it replaced, a
> pain point for me has been authentication: in particular, following a link
> to see nothing there.  Sometimes it reminds me that logging in would help,
> and with a number of mouse clicks I can do that, but it doesn't always.
> At the present time, ponymail supports two authentication methods: Apache
> OATH (backed by LDAP) and Mozilla Persona.
> In about seven weeks, Mozilla Persona will go away:
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/page.cgi?id=persona_deprecated.html
> My preference would be to replace OATH with standard HTTP basic
> authentication.  The issue being that this service shouldn't require
> authentication for simple browsing of public lists.

It does not require auth for public mails.
For example:


Nor does it require auth for lists that have mixed public and private
mails; only the private mails require auth.

However such lists are not displayed currently (this is a server config item)

For example:


It was in this month that the list was made public.
The list does not appear in the directory.

> Perhaps the split could be http: URLs don't require/support authentication,
> and https: URLs do?
> - Sam Ruby

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