Hi Shinsuke,

It's a good question. Templates and SDKs are not part of an actual release
defined by ASF, and they don't go into ASF distribution network. That's why
they don't get voted on like the core release.

Would a mentor kindly weigh in on this? Templates are like hello-worlds
tailored for different ML use cases. SDKs are lightweight client code for
REST APIs exposed by core (event and engine server).


On Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 11:18 AM Shinsuke Sugaya <sug...@n2sm.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> For license updates, my understanding is that we need to
> also update the following repositories for graduation.
> Is it correct? If yes, I'll file JIRA issues.
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-sdk-python
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-sdk-php
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-sdk-ruby
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-sdk-java
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-recommender
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-skeleton
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-similar-product
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-ecom-recommender
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-text-classifier
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-attribute-based-classifier
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-template-java-ecom-recommender
> It seems not to update Swift SDK repository for a long time.
> If nobody update it, it's better to remove it at graduation.
> https://github.com//apache/incubator-predictionio-sdk-swift
> Regards,
>  shinsuke

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