Abstraction based on MessageIdData is a good solution. I don't have
any discussion context. Why don't we put the topic name in it?

All I can think of is PulsarApiMessageId extend
TopicMessageId(PIP-224[1]) right?

[1] https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/18616

Yunze Xu <y...@streamnative.io.invalid> 于2022年12月16日周五 15:59写道:
> Hi all,
> I've opened a PIP to discuss: https://github.com/apache/pulsar/issues/18950
> Currently the `MessageId` interface is not friendly to developers of
> Pulsar core and ecosystems. There is no abstraction of the
> `MessageIdData` defined in `PulsarApi.proto`.
> This proposal aims at solving this problem and allows more loose type
> assertions when using `seek` and `acknowledge`.
> You can also see the demo for reference:
> https://github.com/BewareMyPower/pulsar/pull/11
> (Sorry I forgot to add the [DISCUSS] prefix again in the previous
> email, let's continue the discussion here)
> Thanks,
> Yunze

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