

[mmerli] fix name space (#1609)

[...truncated 901.30 KB...]
[MethodUtil@dc00f9f] info register aspect
---- Run unit tests in parallel
[0/98] Running tests...
[1/98] AuthPluginTest.testCreate (39 ms)
[2/98] ProducerTest.producerNotInitialized (35 ms)
[3/98] AuthPluginTest.testDisable (45 ms)
[4/98] AuthPluginTest.testAthenz (47 ms)
[5/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testNonExistingTopic (49 ms)
[6/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testNonPersistentTopic (51 ms)
[7/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testInvalidUrlPassed (28 ms)
[8/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer (57 ms)
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer (30 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (30 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (30 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer

[8/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer returned/aborted with 
exit code 1 (57 ms)
[9/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumerSubscriptionName (43 ms)
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = 
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumerSubscriptionName
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumerSubscriptionName 
(15 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (15 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (16 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumerSubscriptionName

[9/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumerSubscriptionName 
returned/aborted with exit code 1 (43 ms)
[10/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageTooBig (1413 ms)
[11/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testSingleClientMultipleSubscriptions (1635 ms)
[12/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testSubscribeCloseUnsubscribeSherpaScenario (1680 ms)
[13/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testConfigurationFile (38 ms)
[14/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testLookupThrottling (1822 ms)
[15/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testProduceConsume (1822 ms)
[16/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy (56 ms)
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy (19 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (19 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (19 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy

[16/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy returned/aborted 
with exit code 1 (56 ms)
[17/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testNamespaceName (38 ms)
[18/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy (64 ms)
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy (33 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (33 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (33 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy

[18/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy returned/aborted with 
exit code 1 (64 ms)
[19/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testDuplicateConsumerCreationOnPartitionedTopic (90 
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = 
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testDuplicateConsumerCreationOnPartitionedTopic
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testDuplicateConsumerCreationOnPartitionedTopic 
(52 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (52 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (52 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testDuplicateConsumerCreationOnPartitionedTopic

[19/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testDuplicateConsumerCreationOnPartitionedTopic 
returned/aborted with exit code 1 (90 ms)
[20/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener (298 ms)
log4cxx: Could not read configuration file [log4cxx.conf].
Note: Google Test filter = BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener
[==========] Running 1 test from 1 test case.
[----------] Global test environment set-up.
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest
[ RUN      ] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener
log4cxx: No appender could be found for logger 
log4cxx: Please initialize the log4cxx system properly.
{"reason":"Tenant does not 
exist"}/pulsar/pulsar-client-cpp/tests/ Failure
Value of: res != 204 && res != 409
  Actual: true
Expected: false
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener (257 ms)
[----------] 1 test from BasicEndToEndTest (257 ms total)

[----------] Global test environment tear-down
[==========] 1 test from 1 test case ran. (257 ms total)
[  PASSED  ] 0 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener

[20/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener returned/aborted with exit code 1 
(298 ms)
[21/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testIamSoFancyCharactersInTopicName (2715 ms)
[22/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testProduceAndConsumeAfterClientClose (2715 ms)
[23/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testCompressionZLib (1158 ms)
[24/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testConsumerClose (1020 ms)
[25/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testCompressionLZ4 (1525 ms)
[26/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testMultipleClientsMultipleSubscriptions (3705 ms)
[27/98] BlockingQueueTest.testBasic (48 ms)
[28/98] BlockingQueueTest.testQueueOperations (30 ms)
[29/98] BlockingQueueTest.testBlockingProducer (25 ms)
[30/98] BlockingQueueTest.testBlockingConsumer (30 ms)
[31/98] AuthPluginTest.testTls (6874 ms)
[32/98] BlockingQueueTest.testReservedSpot (40 ms)
[33/98] BlockingQueueTest.testTimeout (3026 ms)
[34/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testResendViaSendCallback (4920 ms)
[35/98] UrlTest.testUrl (39 ms)
[36/98] NamespaceNameTest.testNamespaceName (37 ms)
[37/98] LoggerTest.testLogger (32 ms)
[38/98] BatchMessageTest.testProducerConfig (33 ms)
[39/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testBatchMessages (7617 ms)
[40/98] ClientDeduplicationTest.testProducerSequenceAfterReconnect (1991 ms)
[41/98] ClientDeduplicationTest.testProducerDeduplication (3703 ms)
[42/98] BatchMessageTest.testBatchSizeInBytes (5904 ms)
[43/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testStatsLatencies (11520 ms)
[44/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testProduceMessageSize (11520 ms)
[45/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testEncryptionFailure (11228 ms)
[46/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testRSAEncryption (24646 ms)
[47/98] BinaryLookupServiceTest.basicLookup (46 ms)
[48/98] BackoffTest.mandatoryStopTestNegativeTest (40 ms)
[49/98] BackoffTest.firstBackoffTimerTest (332 ms)
[50/98] BackoffTest.basicTest (33 ms)
[51/98] BackoffTest.maxTest (26 ms)
[52/98] BackoffTest.mandatoryStopTest (30 ms)
[53/98] BackoffTest.ignoringMandatoryStopTest (34 ms)
[54/98] LatchTest.testCountDown (80 ms)
[55/98] LatchTest.testLatchCount (84 ms)
[56/98] LatchTest.testTimedWait (135 ms)
[57/98] ReaderTest.testSimpleReader (256 ms)
[58/98] ReaderTest.testReaderAfterMessagesWerePublished (204 ms)
[59/98] BatchMessageTest.testCumulativeAck (15354 ms)
[60/98] ReaderTest.testMultipleReaders (308 ms)
[61/98] ReaderTest.testReaderOnLastMessage (431 ms)
[62/98] BatchMessageTest.testProducerTimeout (21981 ms)
[63/98] BatchMessageTest.testSmallReceiverQueueSize (20478 ms)
[64/98] ReaderTest.testReaderOnSpecificMessage (408 ms)
[65/98] BatchMessageTest.testMixedAck (15556 ms)
[66/98] ConsumerStatsTest.testFailure (688 ms)
[67/98] ZTSClientTest.testZTSClient (37 ms)
[68/98] ConsumerTest.consumerNotInitialized (36 ms)
[69/98] MessageTest.testMessageContents (36 ms)
[70/98] MessageTest.testAllocatedContents (35 ms)
[71/98] MessageTest.testProperties (37 ms)
[72/98] HashTest.testBoostHash (35 ms)
[73/98] HashTest.testJavaStringHash (29 ms)
[74/98] HashTest.testMurmur3_32Hash (33 ms)
[75/98] ClientTest.testChecksumComputation (30 ms)
[76/98] ClientTest.testSwHwChecksum (25 ms)
[77/98] TopicNameTest.testLookup (22 ms)
[78/98] TopicNameTest.testTopicName (23 ms)
[79/98] ReaderTest.testReaderOnSpecificMessageWithBatches (1212 ms)
[80/98] TopicNameTest.testShortTopicName (23 ms)
[81/98] TopicNameTest.testTopicNameWithSlashes (34 ms)
[82/98] TopicNameTest.testTopicNameV2 (35 ms)
[83/98] TopicNameTest.testEmptyClusterName (35 ms)
[84/98] TopicNameTest.testExtraSlashes (37 ms)
[85/98] TopicNameTest.testIllegalCharacters (29 ms)
[86/98] TopicNameTest.testIllegalUrl (29 ms)
[87/98] TopicNameTest.testEmptyString (34 ms)
[88/98] TopicNameTest.testExtraArguments (32 ms)
[89/98] MessageIdTest.testSerialization (36 ms)
[90/98] TopicMetadataImplTest.numPartitions (37 ms)
[91/98] ConsumerStatsTest.testBacklogInfo (4589 ms)
[92/98] ConsumerStatsTest.testCachingMechanism (4875 ms)
[93/98] BatchMessageTest.testPermits (20565 ms)
[94/98] BatchMessageTest.testIndividualAck (26568 ms)
[95/98] ConsumerStatsTest.testAsyncCallOnPartitionedTopic (8464 ms)
[96/98] BatchMessageTest.testPartitionedTopics (34257 ms)
[97/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testHandlerReconnectionLogic (64488 ms)
[98/98] BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListenerPause (146261 ms)
      57 ms: ./main BasicEndToEndTest.testPartitionedProducerConsumer
      43 ms: ./main 
      56 ms: ./main BasicEndToEndTest.testSinglePartitionRoutingPolicy
      64 ms: ./main BasicEndToEndTest.testRoundRobinRoutingPolicy
      90 ms: ./main 
     298 ms: ./main BasicEndToEndTest.testMessageListener
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user

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