> Created PR at https://github.com/apache/incubator-pulsar/pull/1748

I'll take a look, but it may be tomorrow before I get the time.

> In some cases, the feedback for the NOTICE file has been to avoid inclusion
> on what was not strictly required, in particular, regarding non ASL
> licensed projects. Another example was around Netty NOTICE file which was
> originally bubbled up and then we removed it after feedback.

Netty is a strange case, because they put far too much in their notice
file. However, if there is something in the netty notice file which
refers to ASLv2 code which has been included in the netty source, and
a binary object based on that code is shipped with pulsar, then that
should be bubbled up from the netty code. As far as I can tell (and
assuming the case is the same as for bookkeeper), the part of the
netty notice which should be bubbled up to pulsar notice is:

The Netty Project

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under the License.

There is other code, which netty integrates into its code, but which
is MIT/BSD license. These should be notes in the LICENSE.


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