Hi Andrew,

Thanks on the CI setup, I think a separate list would be good for the
traffic it generates.

Be really good to have a shared view of the tests running etc for the


On Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 10:14 PM, Andrew Kennedy <
andrewinternatio...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On 19 April 2011 17:55, Marnie McCormack
> <marnie.mccorm...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > I think regular, on schedule releases are key for an Apache project -
> > without them we are seen as less credible than other OS projects in the
> > messaging space.
> >
> > We have historically really struggled to get our releases out on time/as
> > planned and across the ?5 years we've been going we have made (I think) 9
> > releases including those from incubator.
> >
> > We need to get faster and not be holding up the greater number of fixes
> for
> > the last couple in each release. Only if we get quicker can we more
> rapidly
> > evolve the product Apache users actually get to use :-)
> >
> > We also should really discuss testing as a group - we currently have a
> > non-defined release gateway for testing, which lets us down somewhat.
> >
> > Just my tuppence - based on reading non-Apache Qpid people's assessments
> of
> > messaging products in the OS space.
> +1, see below for update regarding automated testing during CI.
> >> > I'd like to hear some thoughts about this from the community.
> >> > My personal preference is to do an errata release for
> >> > QPID-3214 & QPID-3216 (and any other serious issues like
> >> > that). What do you guys think ?
> >>
> >> I tend to view errata/hotfix as services that downstream support
> >> providers handle. You can use up a lot of time and effort going down
> >> that road.
> Errata and hotfix releases are a red herring. If we get our continuous
> integration process right, we should be able to provide snapshot
> nightly releases from trunk, which will give people the fixes they
> require. If there is a glaring security hole found in the broker then
> that may warrant an off-cycle release, but keeping to a schedule of
> releases is a better plan.
> >> If QPID-3214 and 3216 are serious issues I would prefer to hold 0.10 for
> >> the fixes. The word "deadlock" in the jira subject seems serious, but
> >> I'm wondering how likely it is a user will hit it if it hasn't been
> >> found before.
> Fair point, but I would need to investigate further, maybe Rajith has
> more information? These issues were apparently found when he ran the
> tests under the C++ profile, but they didn't show up under any of the
> Java profile system test runs I did when I was made the change that
> seems to have caused QPID-3214. Also, I believe that this issue occurs
> during QueueBrowser failover, and the tests for this are, in fact,
> disabled for Java profiles. The code involved is quite brittle, and I
> know there are a few more threading and locking issues either there or
> nearby. These intermittent issues are always difficult to diagnose, so
> it's good that we have a way to reproduce some of them now. I'd
> personally mark these as blockers for the next release, and make sure
> that we have better test coverage during 0.12 development. I know
> Rajith is looking at this, and I will as well, to determine if there
> *is* a quick fix possible. Similar statements hold for QPID-3216, as
> well ;(
> On that subject, the Java continuous integration is running happily on
> the ASF Hudson instances, however it does *not* run the C++ builds or
> tests, since we cannot get the right libraries installed across the
> whole Hudson cluster. Fortunately, my employer, Cloudsoft, has kindly
> agreed to provide some Amazon EC2 instances for the project. I have
> installed Hudson on one currently, and have got the C++ and Java
> system test suites running. Once I get a few issues ironed out, and
> also start the clustered system tests running as well, we should have
> a much better view of the test coverage, and these sorts of problems
> are less likely to occur. If interested, lok at this temporary URL (I
> will sort out a static IP and DNS shortly) below:
> http://ec2-46-137-19-127.eu-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com:8080/
> Once the CI system is stable, is everyone happy for me to point the
> e-mails it gereates at this list, or do you think we need another,
> bu...@qpid.apache.org perhaps?
> Cheers,
> Andrew.
> --
> -- andrew d kennedy ? cloudsoft monterey : http://www.cloudsoftcorp.com/ ;
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
> Project:      http://qpid.apache.org
> Use/Interact: mailto:dev-subscr...@qpid.apache.org

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