
I am trying to tidy up the error handling code in the JMS client and
is soliciting ideas and feedback.
I also have rough proposal outlined below.
Please feel free to make suggestions/improvements for the following
solution or any alternative ideas that you might think maybe better.

Currently if there is a session error we throw an exception on most
JMS methods in addition to notifying via the connection listener.
This is causing several issues with less than desirable results.
Besides I wonder if we need to notify the same exception in two
different ways.

1. There is a deadlock due to this.
2. Even if the client is notified via a direct exception we still
throw a connection exception and close the connection (along with all
other sessions).

I am wondering if the following is a good idea ?

1. If a direct exception can be thrown, then we don't notify via the
connection listener.
    Ex. sending messages, creating a producer/consumer etc...

2. If a direct exception cannot be thrown (ex. Message Listener case)
then we notify via the connection listener.
    In that case we don't care about the rest of the sessions being closed.

3. We mention in the documentation, that if a JMS exception is thrown,
they should recreate their session.
     If a specific type of exception like
"MessageNotReadableException" is thrown, then they are advised to
treat it accordingly.



Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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