TCP_NODELAY makes a considerable improvement in synchronous cases
(sync pub, sync ack etc) and small tx cases and we generally recommend
that as a tuning option to our users/customers.

The reason for making TCP_NODELAY false by default is based on the
assumption that in most cases people will want to do high message
volumes out-of-the-box to compare Qpid for performance. So it kind of
makes sense to optimize for that case.
However I've never tried to gauge the impact it has on high volume
cases. Perhaps we should just try it out and see what the impact is.
If the impact is negligible then we should make it enabled by default.
If not then I'd be less inclined to change the default.

I'd also be interested to know what others think on this.



On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 1:00 PM, Robbie Gemmell <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was looking into some sluggish consumer creation performance with
> the Java client for a posting on the user list, and eventually
> narrowed the issue down to TCP_NODELAY being set false by default,
> leading to ExecutionSyncs taking an extraordinary amount of time to
> complete. This made every consumer creation take 40-80ms on average,
> depending on whether the queue already existed or not (which
> influences the operations and number of syncs performed). Enabling
> TCP_NODLAY gets this process down to 2-3ms.
> We have previosuly noted poorer performance with the Java broker using
> 0-10 than it managed historically with its 0-9 support (which used a
> different IO layer on the client until recently), especially when
> using transient messages and transactions. Running some noddy tests
> sugggests TCP_NODELAY (which is enabled on the broker by default) to
> be the root cause of those issues too, because it also caused
> performance to increase somewhere between mildly noticable and mouth
> open levels depending on what you are doing.
> I understand there may be certain situations where this is slightly
> slower and that it could lead to higher bandwidth usage in some cases,
> but the effect of enabling it seems generally far too positive not to
> do so by default (which is what some other messaging products seem to
> do). Is there a strong argument not to? Does anyone know off hand what
> the other clients do?
> I plan to change the default for the Java client to true in a day or
> two unless talked out of it.
> Robbie
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation
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Apache Qpid - AMQP Messaging Implementation

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