I have had a further play, and updated the build to pull down ivy and
the dependencies automatically, with support for selecting between
using a maven2 repo (defaulting to central, url configurable) or a
flat directory of jars on the filesystem (defaulted to
qpid/java/localfs_repo but is configurable). It defaults to the maven
repo unless overriden with -Divy.default.resolver=localfs in which
case it wont touch the maven repo.

Initial attempt available for preview at:

I have some further tweaks to make around cache dirs and retrieval of
optional dependencies, but whats there now is basically ready to go so
check it out. I plan to put it on trunk tomorrow.


On 3 May 2012 15:42, Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3 May 2012 15:35, Rob Godfrey <rob.j.godf...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 3 May 2012 16:20, Robbie Gemmell <robbie.gemm...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> I took a tiny little look at using Ivy for dependencies last night in
>>> order to allow removing dependencies in the Java tree from the repo. I
>>> have thought we should do this for a long time, and I'm sure most of
>>> the people who come across our source think the same.
>>> Having Ivy just download the dependencies (whilst being driven by Ant)
>>> and then using our existing Ant build otherwise unchanged is very
>>> easy, so I think that even if we don't spend any time improving
>>> anything else we should at least do that for the jars it is easily
>>> possible to.
>>> I would like to propose that we make this improvement, and wondered
>>> what others think? If noone objects I would like to make it happen
>>> sometime next week.
>> I'm very much in favour of removing the need to keep copies of the
>> jars in our subversion.
>> A couple of quick questions...
>> will we be adding a way to get ivy to only check a local directory for
>> the required Jars?  I believe this is possible, and by doing so we
>> should be alleviate any concerns that people might have about
>> downloading dependencies from the internet (in this way people could
>> maintain their local directory - possibly checked in to their own
>> subversion), and point the build at this when they wish to assemble
>> their builds?
> I believe so, yes. We can add an ivysettings.xml file to allow
> overriding the default search locations and enable specifying
> alternative sources, e.g. a corporations internal repository mirrors
> or a local file based repository.
>> Second, and somewhat related - is there an easy way (my brief reading
>> of ivy documentation made me think there was) of specifying the
>> dependencies such that transitive dependencies are not automatically
>> resolved? I'm not sure if we wish to configure that by default, but
>> that would be the closest to what we have now.
> From my reading last night I believe I remember seeing an option to do
> that, yes.
>> I'll be really glad to remove the need to have all the jars checked in
>> to every branch if we can assure ourselves that we can get the same
>> level of control of which Jars are included in the build.
>> Cheers,
>> Rob
>>> As a test of this, I made a quick change (snippet below) to our
>>> existing ivy.xml file (currently used for deploying maven artifacts
>>> for our releases, in concert with the upload.xml build file) that
>>> would have it grab a couple of our existing dependencies (jars only,
>>> and excluding a sub dependency we already have a different version of)
>>> using some new targets in the build.xml file which I ripped almost
>>> entirely from the existing upload.xml stuff.
>>> -  <dependencies/>
>>> +  <dependencies>
>>> +    <dependency org="commons-lang" name="commons-lang" rev="2.2">
>>> +      <include type="jar"/>
>>> +    </dependency>
>>> +    <dependency org="commons-cli" name="commons-cli" rev="1.0">
>>> +      <include type="jar"/>
>>> +      <exclude name="commons-logging"/>
>>> +    </dependency>
>>> +  </dependencies>
>>> This allowed me to remove those 2 dependency jars from the lib dir,
>>> and made the process of gathering the dependencies and running the
>>> build as follows:
>>> 1. Run 'ant download-ivy' (necessary if you don’t have Ivy installed
>>> in one of Ant's supported lib areas already).
>>> 2. Run 'ant resolve' and find that the jars are eventually present in
>>> the lib dir again.
>>> 3. Run whichever build command you would normally.
>>> (combining all 3 into 'ant download-ivy resolve <normal commands>'
>>> would also work, but steps 1 and 2 could just be transparently
>>> incorporated into the standard build sequence if desired).
>>> Robbie
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