On Fri, May 23, 2014 at 08:06:44AM -0400, Alan Conway wrote:
> What's the general feeling about using SWIG in dispatch? To date
> dispatch uses hand-crafted calls based on Python.h primitives. My
> impression is that works OK for a small python/C interface but the
> interface is getting to the point where SWIG may be helpful.
> Opinions anyone? Objections?

Hrm, I'm not sure it would be the right way to go. Swig is great for
taking a library and present it as a dynamic module for languages like
Python, Perl and Ruby. But for what Dispatch is doing, we're already
using the Python development code that provides C <-> Python interfaces;
i.e., we're already doing what Swig would be asked to do for us in the
codebase. Unless we're going to have Dispatch be a totally Python
application that depends on a library of functions written in C,
shouldn't we keep things the way they are now and leverage that level of

Darryl L. Pierce, Sr. Software Engineer @ Red Hat, Inc.
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