Here’s my 2 cents on publicity: do a little and often, and use lots of pictures.

Very few people are tuned into the first broadcast of a new radio station, but 
more people tune in over time if there is regular good content. So, don’t bust 
a gut trying to make huge splash for the release. Make a short factual post 
about the release. Then work on some more content (say a demo, or a brief video 
of a demo).

In both tweets and blog posts, a graphic helps get your message across. So, aim 
to have an architecture slide ready to tweet in 1 or 2 weeks. And a slide about 
Quickstep’s memory format (or whatever) in a week after that.

Also, do a tweet and a blog post each time a significant feature lands in 
Quickstep (hopefully at least 2 or 3 per release).


> On Mar 27, 2017, at 8:25 PM, Harshad Deshmukh <> wrote:
> Hello folks,
> I am making some noise (a.k.a publicity) about our release on various forums. 
> Please help us spread the word:
> Hacker news: Honestly, this is 
> my first post on HN, so I am not sure how it works. I guess you need to 
> upvote it to make it more visible?
> Twitter: There are a couple of new 
> tweets. We should probably have a better twitter bio for the project. Right 
> now it is very brief "Democratizing Data Analytics". Any suggestions?
> I am also writing a blog post on the various storage formats in Quickstep and 
> how to create them through CREATE statements. I somehow couldn't get jekyll 
> working on my machine.
> -- 
> Thanks,
> Harshad

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