On 08/26/2010 09:33 AM, Eli Barzilay wrote:
It's getting to be difficult to tell people what to do wrt choosing a
language.  There are several things that contribute to this:

* I can't use "default language" to refer to the module language,
   since it's not the default.

* I can't use "module language" to refer to it since it's not known by
   that name -- and "module" is no longer something that newbies know

* I can't even refer to some sane label in the language dialog, since
   there is only a description instead of a name -- unlike other

* The term "language" itself is very confusing -- no easy way to
   distinguish a language in the "#lang" sense and language in the
   "entry in the language selection dialog" sense.

What about having some sub-options under "use language declared in source" for some common things people use? drracket could just insert the appropriate #lang line and use that language.

* Use language declared in source
   * racket
   * r5rs
   * r6rs
   * typed-scheme
   * ...
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