Does (not (= x x)) work? That's the way people sometimes do it JavaScript, so 
it can't be wrong.


On Oct 27, 2010, at 1:20 PM, Doug Williams wrote:

> What is the correct way to test for +nan.0 in Racket? For example, (= +nan.0 
> +nan.0) = #f. This seems to be the behavior specified in R6RS. In the science 
> collection I implemented nan? using eqv?, which seems to work in Racket; but 
> the result is explicitly unspecified in R6RS, which I assume means that it's 
> up to the implementation. Which pretty much leaves eq? as the proper test. 
> R6RS includes primitives like nan? and infinite?, which I included a long 
> time ago in the science collection. Obviously one can use them from the r6rs 
> libraries, but should they be moved into the racket language?
> Doug
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