On Sat, Jan 15, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Stevie Strickland
<sstri...@ccs.neu.edu> wrote:
> On Jan 15, 2011, at 1:19 PM, Matthias Felleisen wrote:
>> 2. I am not strictly opposed to your suggestion because I see value in your 
>> reasoning. If we go with re-providing the identifier with its contract, I 
>> would like to see the blame assignment shifted to the re-exporting module. 
>> This does leave us with the "Carl" question:
>> who is going to be blamed when module C imports f from A and (re-provided 
>> from) B?
> It'll be a syntax error.  There's no way to change the positive blame 
> information for the contract form that an identifier will expand into without 
> changing the binding information.  That's why it'd have to be an explicit 
> operation, even if it's inexpensive because the work is done at syntax time 
> (just changing the syntax transformer) and not trying to recontract the 
> already contracted value with new blame information.

This is not a syntax error at the moment and already something that can happen.

In particular, if I call 'f' with the wrong arguments, it may or may
not say "via B" in the error message.

Carl, I believe, was asking for there not to be a syntax error in this case.

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